X-Men Frak Party

I don’t know. I thought perhaps there was some method to the way you scheduled the episodes.

There is. They’re in airdate order, so the (admittedly infrequent) crossovers make sense. There shouldn’t be any issues with these two episodes, AFAIK.

I thought that was it. The only “crossover” is the TNG two-parter “Birthright,” which only guest-stars Bashir.

I just wish they explained why TNG didn’t get the new uniforms. That bugged the crap outta me.

Tonight! Join the newest Alpaca Prime in watching the season 1 finale and the season 2 premiere of X-Men: The Animated Series!

We actually have some X-Citing news today: it was revealed that the next major arc in the Marvel Universe will be AVENGERS VERSUS X-MEN. Interesting timing for the event, given that it will lead into the premiere of the Avengers movie in the film world, although the two plotlines aren’t related. The X-Men’s world recently underwent a SCHISM, which led to the creation of two separate schools, one led by Cyclops and one led by Wolverine.

USA Today Article: Matt Fraction, Brian Michael Bendis, and Jonathan Hickman preview AVENGERS VESUS X-MEN

But tonight, we’ll be learning the fate of Beast and meeting Mr. Sinister for the first time… or have we met him already?

The Final Decision

Gyrich and Trask resume Project Wideawake by creating the Master Mold, a walking factory capable of creating Sentinel robots at an assembly-line pace.

Til Death Do Us Part: Part 1

As Jean and Cyclops plan to tie the knot, Mr. Sinister lays traps to destroy the X-Men. Sinister’s agent of destruction is none other than poor Morph.

Join us tonight at 8 PM Eastern! Episodes are available on Netflix Instant Watch!

So I just spent about 20 minutes typing a complete recap of the events of Schism, and who the new teams consist of, with fun pictures and everything. Got a long phone call, came back and tried to post. FOund that I was automatically logged out and lost it all =*(

That sucks. We caught up on Schism during the last Geek Panel, but I would loved to see your input.

I always check the “stay signed in” box when login. That prevents the timed logout in most cases.

Hooray! Episode recap!

Unless you’ve been gone for hours, of course.

Holocaust reference!

Plastic Sentinels? That’s what we get for making them in China.

Even if the Sentinels are made of plastics, couldn’t Magneto wipe their circuits with a magnetic pulse?

Master Mold: “And I shall call him… Mini-Me.” :smiley:

“In time, all their brains will be replaced. It will be a vast improvement.”

He’s not wrong, per se. :rolleyes:

How’d Ghost Rider get in there?

That flip-phone is bigger than his head. :eek:

Technically, they’d turn him into a cyborg, not a robot.

They made one mistake. They pissed off the X-Men.

And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those darn mutants!

“I got one!”

Way to go, Jubilee! Don’t get cocky!

Xavier piloting the Blackbird is like Troi flying the Enterprise… it doesn’t end well.