X-Men Frak Party 12/5 @ 10 PM ET

Nope. Leave those right where they are. Why couldn’t they do the Batman nipple thing, though?

Blasted pasties!!

Probably wise. :smiley:


Good point. She is indeed a focal point of the series, alongside Magneto, in the flimmaker’s treament of X-Men lore. And, thusly, holds a special place in X-Men film fans’ hearts. And boobs. Beautiful boobs.

I got a suggestion for Frak Party protocol. When I’m in a Frak party you’ll notice that I temporarily remove my signature. As a result, my posts take up less space. If we all did that, it would easier to follow the frak party—and they’d be more posts per page.
Just a thot (no pun…) :wink:

Was that the ‘Where’s the beef?’ lady flippin him off at the end?

We had a couple of 2.7 and 3. something a couple of months ago here. Nothing to even make a Californian blink, but here in Ohio, it was enough to scare some folks. We did have a 5.0 in 1987 when I was 12. I was standing on a chair when that one hit. That one freaked me pretty bad.

have you not read the FrakPartyFAQ? Mr BadgerSpoon’s got all contingencies covered, dude

I turn the viewing off. But you’re right, I should turn the posting of it off also. Makes sense. Noted.

Too funny. Trying to outrun a plane on the 405 is about as smart as trying outrun a tornado here in corn country.


Are you joking? :confused:

I shall refrain myself from my 30-minute venomous rant on the subject of old people driving slowly.

Has my sig been showing? Cause I thot I turned it off.

hell, it shakes me up (pun intended, and I apologize) for a minute or two, and some gloom and doom person always has to mention the possibility that it’s a foreshock

Looked like her, but no. Sadly, Clara Peller died long before the technology that made the movie possible was available. :frowning:

Wait. How do you do that globally? Do you have to uncheck the Misc options each time?

Maybe it’s a very tardy aftershock. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you suggesting that EVERYONE in the thread turn off of their sigs and then change the “post per page” setting, and the change it all back after the frak?

If not…

Any tips for following along?

Unless you’re posting several times a minute, you’ll need to click your browser’s refresh button to see new posts from other people. Since most frak parties will only have a handful of people attending them, that should be sufficient to keep up. For busier events, especially the BSG frak parties, you might need to edit your options to show only 5 or 10 posts per page. Disabling signatures and avatars is also recommended. You could also disable images, although you might miss some things if you do. Depending on the speed of your computer and your internet connection, closing other windows and shutting down extraneous programs (especially anything that accesses the internet) could be helpful as well.

Has an old person ever flipped you off while driving? It is an awesome experience. Last time it happened to me, it was a little Hasidic Jewish man. I pulled over because I almost passed out from laughter.

well, I have a few week’s worth of Nickname Boomer’s Buffy rewatch to catch up on. plus I have to (and I do appreciate the irony) clean up my house before the cleaning lady comes in the morning, so–nite y’all