Would you cross the line?

I’ve been savoring the BSG Season 4 soundtrack over the course of the weekend, and there was one track that stood out in my mind called The Line on the second disc. This cue was played during Daybreak, Part I when Admiral Adama had the crew assembled on the flight deck with the red line of duct tape going down the middle.

It made me wonder… if put in such a position, would you cross the line? Would you risk your life alongside your compatriots to save another, or play it safe and act in self-preservation and stay behind?

I’m curious what the GWC pulse is on this question.

Interesting question. I’d say it depends.

If I was on The Bucket, probably. If I was on the Tillium Ship, frak all y’all.

Better dead than smeg. I’d be over that line in a heartbeat.

Quote by Solarpilot:
It made me wonder… if put in such a position, would you cross the line? Would you risk your life alongside your compatriots to save another, or play it safe and act in self-preservation and stay behind?

Nothing to lose and everything to gain. I have no doubt that I would be over the line. Unless I was with Baltar’s bonkubines. They would need consoling.:smiley:

I was just watching that scene…

Yep… I am over the line with the old man… every time.

FYI…- I just found out that spell checks works in these forums from firefox but not IE… one more reason.

Which side has the coffee? And I don’t mean the crappy algae coffee. I mean the good stuff.

For Adama - hell yeah

Good coffee would be a plus tho… :smiley:

I dunno. I’m pretty chicken shit when it comes right down to it. But then, Hera reminds me a lot of my oldest daughter at age 4-5. And for her, I’ll cross the line.

I’d totally cross the line, then the Admiral would be all, “Uh, not you, son, you better stay and help Doc Cottle.”

It depends. If I were all alone (personally) in the fleet, then yes. If I had a spouse and/or kids though, no, I’d stay with them.

I’d cross the line and be first in the following line to get a bigsorrybarb motherfrakkin machine gun or a grenade launcher. Assault Team frak yeah!

thats a rough call i mean its all noble and self sacrificing kind of thing that made the story great… but from a average joe kind of perspective they were travelling to almost certain death to save one kidnapped child… add to the fact that i was pretty sure that Adama and Roslin were either crazy or just plain stoned for most of there decision making by then… No i’d probably point them to the next airlock

Man I’d totally crap talk you the ENTIRE TIME we were on earth. Just like “Hey bro so remember that time when we found earth and you wussed out. Mhmm.” and then I’d get punched in the face but it’d be worth it.

I’d never get too hear it; odds are i’d been flushed out the airlock a la Gaeta and Zarek. for trying to overthrow the fleet and bloody coup. or get shot trying to thieve the presidents hydroponics.

but were i to survive I’d simply say it was as brave an act; as it was stupid. but I’d buy you drinks for a year. and then call it even.

I’m over the line, if only for the chance to use Vera on some old-school toasters.

But seriously… I’m staying with the ship with the heavy guns. The mission to save Hera might be suicidal, but leaving Galactica’s protection, to me, is definitely suicidal.

Hmm… if I were on Galactica then I’d join Adama, if I were elsewhere in the fleet, I’m not sure I’d feel connected enough to anything outside my own ship. But after being able to see and hear Eddie do his “so say we all!” in person, I think that man could talk me into anything.

I would “Do my job”, whatever that may be for the Ol’ Man. Let’s face it, how could you not cross that line? I was shocked so many people were on the other side.

That being said, I’ve never fired a gun before. So, unlike Baltar I wouldn’t want to put any other’s life in jeopardy because of my ignorance. I could probably man a station in CiC or turn a wrench on the flight deck. But in the end I’d be totally useless in a fire fight.

Yeah, I’d be scared. But Adama has such integrity, I’d follow the man to Hell and back.

I’d cross the line.

Nobody answered my question about the coffee, so I’m not taking any chances–I’m staying with fleet. I need my coffee. Frak that algae craaap.

OK. I wasn’t gonna say it. The Cylons have the coffee but it’s that instant freeze-dry stuff you love sooo much. ducks as Captain Picard coffee mug flies by There’s a button on the centurions you can press that makes it for you. ducks as Dr. McCoy coffee mug flies by If you look in the lower galley, there is an android named Ash. He can hook you up with some creme.