Wizard Rock

USA Today did their usual hatchet job reporting on the Wizard Rock genre. Wonder if they got the idea for the stroy from GWC?


Nah, most of the media figured it out with the last book release. They probably were just waiting for the movie to make the story topical.

Lev over at Time did a piece. Even the NY Daily News has an article.

ETA: Hrm, your link is truncated. I think this is the one you were refering to. And here’s one they did last year.

I hav spent much of the day at work listening to various Wrock bands now so far my fav three in order are

[li]Whomping Willows[/li][li]Tonks and the Aurors[/li][li]and a really close third Draco and the Malfoys[/li][/ol]

Whomping Willow almost have a Violent Femmes sound i think

Draco and the Malfoys are a personal fave. Search for them on archive.org to get some of their better early stuff. (They were much better live early on.)

On a completely different note, check out the HP Musical. It’s worth it.

I am digging Whomping Willows even more. He is unabashedly making Adult music based on HP. Including some relatively light /Fic about Draco and Harry

He also sings about drinking and getting it on quite a bit.

But ill check out that link. I am just going to the bands Myspace pages.

Yeah, Whompy is a fave. It’s kind of funny that the first three WRock bands (HatP, DatM, and him) are still the standouts all these years later. (OK, The Mudbloods puts everyone to shame, but they’re an outlier.)

My fav song of all thus far is My Dad is Rich however

although…99 Deatheaters was really catchy as well.

Edit 2 or 3…Gred and Forge has jumped up big on my list for being totally inappropriate and very very funny

My favorite band is Ministry of Magic, hands down. Those guys are amazing.

The HP Musical is hilarious!

I have to say, I find it really interesting that there are enough people writing songs based on the Harry Potter universe that an entire genre has developed around it. Can anyone think of another sci-fi or fantasy franchise that has such an original musical following to them?

Trek has a bunch, google for ‘filk.’ (although the term covers scifi songs in general.) Trock (Timelord Rock) was coined a year or so ago for Dr. Who songs. Browncoat Rock is pretty much what you’d expect.

Hrm. I probably should do a blog post on this.

You guys should check this out!

