Why is there an episode of frakin Ghost Hunters on my Caprica DVD?

Does Skiffy think the same people that watch that show, are the same people that watched BSG and Caprica? Are they? Maybe I’m wrong. I think GH is some of the worst of what Scifi has to offer, so I’m wondering what it’s doing on my DVD as a bonus. Which is strange, cause if you look on the box, it says exactly jack about it being included.

I mean, whatever… I’m just simply not going to watch it… but kind of unusual to not mention “bonus” material in the advertising on the box, no?

It’s part of their ongoing aggressive efforts to alienate the kind of potential loyal audience that would watch a dedicated Science Fiction channel.

Yes there are some people who do watch GH and BSG, I am one of them. I certainlly do not think GH is the worst Sci Fi has to offer. You dont have to watch GH, there are fans of both shows out there.

They came up with the idea when they invented the newest division skiffy (probably same jackasses who named themselves syfy. The new division is called the turd polishing group. They were once reasonable people but having made so many crap ass phony shows they no longer have solid concept of what a crap show is. Reality shows and Scifi don’t mix, hence the “FICTION” part of scifi.

Ghost Hunters is Sci-fi’s hope to get the “nascar” demographic. I love when some friend of mine tries to convince me how the show “can’t be fake”. I always say…

“yeah, why would they fake the nothing that they show?”

Would you have rather had some wrestling on there?

HAHAHAHA that’s right they do show that crap too, don’t they?

What about , I don’t know, some sci-fi show. reruns of old shows… they have 40 yeas worth they could show!!!

Is it just me, or does anyone else think it’s a prank purported by Katee Sackhoff (or her alter-ego, Kara Thrace) ?

There ya go! RDM shoulda had The Undertaker do a cameo as The Virgin Sacrificer! That would have made for some amusing bonus clips.

Being Canadian, I never get to see Skiffy shows, so I decided to give Ghost Hunter a try.

I made it 4 minutes and 10 seconds in before I turned it off in disgust.

Wresting IS sorta science fiction…

It’s fake, so there’s the fiction,
and the steroids add the science to it.