well i wouldn’t say 3d doesn’t work in general. i will say it doesn’t work for me. i inevitably get a headache; and one statement i agree with completely is a good story, that makes you forget your in a theater does a better job than 3D. by a long shot at pulling you into the experience. but would that same good story with 3d move it even further? maybe, but i’m not sure; like he said it makes a dream like state, so once your in, your in. but i could very well be wrong; i just cant experience it cause of the headache.
Personally i think we really need to give 3D three to five years to work out the kinks. Content will be there in the home market, the movie industry will start making good 3D movies in technical terms. and we wont have to wear glasses
and than we all have to buy the white album again.