Who's the Best Terminator? (with poll)

Which make/model is your favorite?

Once again, if anyone in the future feels it is necessary to send a Terminator back in time to protect me, the Summer Glau model would be primo.

Just sayin’. Y’know. In case.

T-1000 always was the coolest to me by far.

Cameron is very cool. I hope she continues to do so well in season two.

Robert Patrick gave by far the best performance. He was so cold, calculating and even added a little humor. His walk made him an intimidating force and boy can he run his (sorry barb) off. :cool:

Really? Some people think the FBI agent, James Ellison, is a terminator? Like a sleeper terminator or something? Why?

I agree, and it was the most original and hasn’t been topped.

Excuse the ignorance of a newbie, but what’s the origin of the a word and sorry barb?

David Hasselhoff would have made an awesome Terminator…

only if he doesn’t sing

I vote for Cameron, mostly because with the show format they’re getting more of a chance to develop her as a character than any of the others got.

I haven’t actually heard people stating this theory, however if I talked to somebody who actually did think this might be a possibility, I bet the biggest pieces of evidence for its proof are:

  1. Cromartie spared him after killing all the other feds on the last episode of season 1

  2. Manson looked for him specifically to help her(while she manipulates him) which could be the result of some sort of ties to skynet.

Those are pretty flimsy for proving that Ellison is a terminator, however I have a different theory thats supported by those two points, I think Ellison has some hardcore ties to skynet overall, perhaps its creation or some vital aspect of it existing in the future (e.g. if left alone he would help connor eventually destroy skynet, so they’re trying to bring him away from john)

just some thoughts =)

Terminator X - - YO!


On my opinion the T-1000 is the ultimate terminator. The T-X was a nice try but I found her limited by the skeleton like the older Arnold model. The T-1000 got blown up, shoot countless times, got frozen in liquit Azote then remelted by heat.

At the end (except the small blending with environment bug of the extended edition) he was still as strong and dangerous than the first moment he was here.

The only reason they won is they got lucky that he drove that truck and that they were in a forge

The T-X had more strength and firepower but used it badly and got damaged soon in the movie already.

So T-1000 rules and he’s cooler

The T-1000 in sarah connor probably is as bad ass (sorry Barb) but was not used yet really in the tv show. I find it strange they gave her that job any normal model would have been fine. Its like nuking your house to kill ants in your kitchen. T-1000 should only be used to be the pure weapon that they are. Infiltration and destruction. I hope her role is more important if she’s not the one creating judgment day.

I wish I’d thought of that. Well played, sir.

I believe the show called Cameron (Summer Glau in Sarah Connor Chronicles) a T-888. she is the same as the other ones the show is currently fighting minus the T-1000.

Shirley Manson ya’ll. Come on, she’s got the accent and most of all… scary eyes. Gotta love the scary eyes.

Ok, I know that’s not an argument but wow that woman looks freaky, sex and dangerous at the same time - respect.

[Sigh] I’ll be in my Bunk

What does it mean when a Terminator starts to care for a Human?

  1. Two examples Shirley Manson (T-1000) for her Human Daughter.
  2. Cameron (T-888) for John.

Is that the same as Cylon Falling in love with a Human?

  1. Was intriguing. Well-played, and I liked it. I also got a huge kick out of Manson’s reaction when the woman told her that sometimes she thought about killing her kid, and Manson’s Terminator quickly considered it as a serious option before deciding not to.

  2. I thought that was at least four kinds of BS. At very least, I chose to read it as some Terminator Machine Trickeration. But I could see how the writers could be serious about it.

Now, to be juvenile about it, what would happen if the Terminator from 1. started to care for the Terminator from 2? Maybe they’re saving that for an ace in the hole when ratings dip too low?

I haven’t watched the last two eps. yet, so if they have made out, don’t spoil it for me.

no spoilers from me. I’m in the middle of the pacific, I get the shows 2 to 4 weeks after they air there…lol… I think the Manson character is growing and may help to shape the new face of Sky Net.

Gotta say my favorite is still, the T-800 (Arnold) in T-2. Some great moments between him & John. “It’s definitely you”, “Uncle Bob” and of course “Hasta la vista Baby”

I love “Uncle Bob”. It cracks me up every time.