Who Is the Greatest Star Wars Villain?

The Star Wars saga is an epic battle between good and evil. But who is the baddest baddie of them all?

Who Is the Greatest Star Wars Villain?

I don’t see how it’s even a question. Darth Vader is one of the greatest movie villains of all time. Only Star Wars villain even half as good is Palpy.

Watto, of course. He’s a slaveowner that doesn’t sell the mother along with Anakin, inadvertently setting in effect the growth of rage that turns into hatred and then Darth Vader.

Why is he the best villain aside from the obvious? He does it for the lulz. Basically, he throws away the future of the galaxy because he wants someone to do his dishes or something. Palpatine? He wants it too much, but Watto’s just a jerk who doesn’t care. And that’s coooooold.

Darth Vader is widely considered the one of the greatest villains of all time, but I think the most evil is Palpatine. That guy orchestrated the plan that spanned all six movies. He drove Anakin to become Vader, nearly caused the extinction of the Jedi, and changed the Republic to the Empire, while getting pretty much everyone to go along with it. And he did all of it just so he could be in charge and in the name of his religion.

Tie between Palpatine and Grand Moff Tarkin. Palpatine was pretty much evil through and through…but he was more manipulator than flat out killer.

Tarkin, on the other hand, blew up Alderaan as an example and to punish Leia. That’s not just evil…that’s frakked up evil.

On the List i chose Anakin. He choose to become evil. Vader choose to become good. But there are much better villains than any of those on the list from the EU and Clone Wars show. Cad Bane would be up there. Jacen Solo went pretty damn bad. Asag Ventress is pretty wicked.

If only the movies count, I have to say Palpatine. He was very patient to wait until his move and then had everything as he wished, besides of course he underestimated Luke’s love for his father and vice versa.

But if I can name my favorite villain including EU characters it is hands-down Mit’hraw’nuroudu (tried to spell that without looking it up, so it is wrong), better known as Grand Admiral Thrawn form the Heir of the Empire Trilogy. His tactic to understand his opponents psychology and therefore responses with studying their culture objects was unique and I haven’t seen anything like that.


I wanna say Jar Jar… His evilness is so subtle, it’s insidious. d:

Oh wait. This is for villain, not ruining of movies…

Even if it was for ruining the movies, Jar Jar still isn’t as evil as his creator George Lucas.

I would state that you can’t be the greatest villain if you “Moff” in your name.

The “Grand” offsets that. d: