While waiting for Season 4...

So it seems there will be a few weeks between the end of the re-watch and the start of Season 4. Any ideas on how to fill in the gap?

I voted for Other. I’d like Firefly commentary podcasts. (technically I suppose I should’ve voted for new DTA podcasts, but I would like Firefly commontaterage in particular.)

I voted “other.”

I voted “other.” I’ve never seen Firefly (though I did see “Serenity”) and don’t really watch much other science fiction other than Star Wars, but I do find the pop culture commentaries a lot of fun, so I’d love to hear you guys banter more. And let’s face it, no vacations for you! We deserve unlimited free entertainment every week. Dance, monkies, DANCE!

(Just kidding on that last one. Whatever you guys are into, I’ll listen. At this point, for me, this podcast has become like chatting [albeit indirectly] with three old friends over a [alas, virtual] beer.)

I would love a Firefly rewatch with the GWC crew!

Besides Firefly I think it would be funny for the crew to do a live commentary of ONE classic Galactica episode…perhaps one known to have influenced the new show.

I voted other for a Firefly rewatch.

I’ll just cross-post this from a separate thread:

I voted for more DTA but I would LLLLOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE some Firefly/Serenity casts. Dang - can I change my vote? :o

I vote for Firefly/Serenity Podcasts. Another favourite of mine would be Dr Who - The Classic Series. Enough episodes to keep GWC going for years. (We BSG fans might need it. After all if a long writer’s strike occurs, BSG season could be delayed until Sept/Oct 2008

I also voted “Other” with a please, oh please, yes, please, “Firefly/Serenity” rewatch. I also second Solai’s commentary for a classic BSG episode. Then we can vote for that one… (Ah, primary season is upon us).

Seconding, or tenthing, the FF rewatch.

Elevensies! Ok, so not really an appropriate use of the word, but still. GWC, PLEASE do Firefly/Serenity in the mean time.

“Little River just gets more colorful by the minute. What will she do next?”
“Either blow us all up or rub soup in her hair. It’s a toss up.”

I vote that we as a group make lifelike voodoo doll replicas of the people responsible for the delay. Then during a cast we all systematically stab the dolls in the head with a sewing needle. Too weird? Frak! :smiley:

Also as another “Other” suggestion, How about a Farscape rewatch. this would include all seasons and the mini series “Farscape Wars”. Including “Farscape Wars” that will 90 podcasts sorted out.

I never saw Farscape, I have seen a few eps but never really payed much attention. It’s a good idea, how about STargate Sg1 or Atlantis or both. ALso you could do Heroes (Do you watch that?). How about non sci fi podcasts, talk about books (Anykind), music, movies, what you did last summer. Sean likes stars wars, have a stars movie re watch. Do you have a faverite non sci fi show that you watch? Talk about that. Topic of the week is a good idea and listeners can call. How about Firefly?

How about a Sci Fi Trivia Contest? (I’d probably lose…I am not much into Sci Fi, I like it but I am not that into it.) and the prize is a Alpaca t-shirt. I noticed you like ALpaca’s alot.

Just tossing some ideas at you. Audra, Sean and Chuck you’ll think of something. Have fun during the wait.


Matrix, or die

I loved farscape too! It was the show that really got me into watching science fiction again. the thing I loved about it was how John Crichton starts out as a unimportant deficient human being to the most notorious deficient human in the universe by the end of the series. One day I am going to get around to pulling out the DVDs again.

i would love to do a firefly rewatch- but at a time when there is a big break- sya next summer, after bsg goes on its inevitable 6-9 month break…

i would also like to hear some podcasts on some of the classic show episodes- namely on the good episodes - which are mostly double eps… living legend, the eps with the ship of lights and iblis , and the hand of god.

I’ve stated this in another thread, but I too would love a Firefly rewatch, or in my case, a first-watch. Also there are BSG Comics, currently three series on the new BSG, that could be discussed in the regular podcast or the DTA one.

But for the record, I’m okay with the Crew taking one brief vacation if they need it.