When do I start to watch SG:A

I’ve picked up Stargate SG:1 after the podcast arc and I’m devouring them.

I’m at a rate of a Season a week more or less.

I’m currently in the middle of season 3 and I’ve heard Sean on the Podcast saying SG:A become intertwined in SG:1.

At witch point should I start watching SG:A to get it in ‘‘real time’’ so to speak?

You’ll know. The plots are literally intertwined at the beginning. Once they discover the Antartic gate in SG1 you can start alternating them.

They Antarctic gate, that was in season 1?

Anyway I should pick them up right away to be ready then!

From WikiP:

The story of Stargate Atlantis follows the cliffhanger episode on Stargate SG-1’s seventh season finale “Lost City”, where SG-1 found an outpost made by the race known as the Ancients in Antarctica. After the events of Stargate SG-1 season eight premiere “New Order”, the Stargate Command sends an international team to investigate the outpost. Soon, Dr. Daniel Jackson discovers the location of the greatest city created by the Ancients, Atlantis. The story unfolds when the members of the expedition encounter the Wraith, the race that defeated the Ancients ten thousand years ago.

Thank you for the editing, I tend to not go on wiki because of potential spoiler:)

The Antarctic gate is involved, but only peripherally.

As always, it’s more complicated than that. :slight_smile:

Anyway I should pick them up right away to be ready then!

Not quite yet.

Atlantis begins after the events of “Lost City”, the seventh season finale of SG-1. The eighth season on was then intertwined with SG:A.

ETA: Yeah, what Pike said. :smiley:

It occurs to me that what with everyone discovering or catching up on so many series, it might be worthwhile hosting a faq or series of faqs for these kinds of questions.

I concur. That would be great!:stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know the exact back and forth after Atlantis gets going, but the Atlantis premiere takes place shortly after the SG-1 Season 8 premiere 2 parter.

Also, you shouldn’t watch The Siege Part 2 (Atlantis Season 1 Finale) until after Moebius(The SG-1 Season 8 finale)