Wheel of time Fans?

Just wondering if any one have ever read any of the Wheel of Time Books from Robert Jordan.

A great series and a tragic story with the author just dying recently so the story might never get finished but still worth checking out even if the last book is never produced.

Seems kind of cruel to recommend a series that is in such limbo.

Don’t get me wrong I am a huge Wot fan but I am still itching for the 12th book and now…

Yes, I will never know what happens to matt and tuon…:frowning:

I loved the series until around Fires of Heaven, after that, it seemed a little too drawn out. But I stuck with it, and now, we will never know how it ends.

What I heard was that he outlined the final book to his family, and they’re going to finish it.

That’s good to know, and I am sure we will all be reading it promptly…some time in 2020.

Still, good news regardless.

Yeah, got my fingers crossed on that front.

Although what are the odds we are getting a satisfying conclusion?

Secret WoT Finale Outline

I. Braid yanking.
II. Crossing arms under breasts.
III. Begin describing the background character’s clothing.
IV. Continue with above clothing description.
V. More braid yanking.

well this is not cruel now because the last book will be finished

11 books might be a little much

They have appointed a new author already - Brandon Sanderson - who will be working off of RJ’s notes, and RJ’s wife will be editing the book - due out in 2010.

I bought book ten for $1 at Dollar Tree last week. Hardcover even.

Now, I guess I need to buy the other nine as well and read them of course.

I have read book 12 and Brandon Sanderson did a great job on the book. It read just like the other books. Its as if RJ hadn’t died. Now I’m waiting for books 13 and 14.

I’ve also just finished Book 12 of the series and while I have always been slightly lukewarm to the series, it DID get me to read 12 books that are 2 to 3 times the length of a Harry Potter book. One thing I do like more about Sanderson is that he has calmed down on the “battle of the sexes” which were extremely annoying in the earlier books. I can’t wait to see how this story will end, if Rand will find a way to survive the final battle or will he be chained to fate.

Did he also tone down the seemingly chapter long descriptions of the clothes people are wearing? I love this series but the man v. woman and the clothing descriptions made those last few books a real slog to get through.

Wah! I need to pick this up! God I hate being broke!

He did a little. He focused more on character introspection and conversations between characters. In a way, I feel that Jordan got lost in the woods of his own lore and that Sanderson found a way to get him back on track because eleven went NOWHERE!!! The only reason I continued was because I invested too much time as it is and I want to see this battle too badly.

I was extremely happy with book 12, I started my third re-read of the series when I heard the release date of book 12. While it wasn’t the same as RJ’s style it was close enough.

I would suggest reading Brandon’s other series Mistborn, it is a great read. I also read that after he was announced as the new author for WOT, I think that prepared me for his style.

Whichever was the last book Jordon wrote before buying the farm started to pick things up again for me. I’ll buy the next books as they come out, because, let’s face it, at this point I’ve invested too much time and effort to not finish the series. And to annoy my sister, because I can keep all the characters straight in my head and remember most of them, while she can’t.

Once upon a time, RJ thought the series would be 3 books long…