hey all,
I’m watching Babylon A.D. on Star Movies channel for the first time. It’s kinda like The Chronicles of Riddick - post-apocalyptic with deep religious overtones, where Vin has to transport the Chosen One from point A to point B (It’s been done before, it will be done again). Sic.
They should call this the Vin Diesel genre/trope. (It’s closest cousin - the Mad Max trope didn’t have heavy religious symbolism)
I like this scene where Vin is opening what looks like a paper-printed map, only to realise it’s a paper-thin display that can be folded like paper. One could zoom in and out on the map like how it’s done on the iPhone (my laptop has that same kind of touchpad). I hear that it’s really being developed in Japan.
There’s this one scene where the blond girl (the chosen one) was asking Vin Diesel about the 2nd generation cloned-tigers (all the Siberian ones were killed off in 2017) - it was reminiscent of Caprica Six where she declared that all are God’s creatures and we’re made in the image of Him.
Travelling eastward through Eastern Europe to Siberia throught the Bering strait, we see the occasional Catholic religious icons (yay for me - but shouldn’t they be Orthodox?), we watch the blond girl/chosen one constantly question why so many people have to die needlessly (wow, SyFy with a conscience).
Ooo, they reach the Canadian/American border which looks like a super-high-tech mall.
And they’re in a 747 with a Coca-cola logo on its’ side.
And Manhattan looks like Tokyo with all the crazy advertising everywhere.
They’re in a hotel room where the girl asks if she can turn-off multi-screens on the wall - Vin says you can change the channel but not turn it off.
(so sorry, i’m actually still watching as i’m typing this… )