What's On Your Pull List?

Hey Everyone,

I’m curious about what everyone else is reading these days. I mostly read Marvel stuff and little bit of DC. I used to read stuff from the smaller publishers (like Project Superpower from Dynamite) but stopped getting them in order lower the amount I spend on comics each week. Currently I get:

Most of the Avengers titles
Green Lantern and GL Corps
Guardians of the Galaxy
Booster Gold
Legion of Superheroes
Secret Warriors

So, what are you reading? Also, how is Justice League: Generation Lost? I’m interested in it since it has most of the cast of Justice League International (except Ted Kord :().

For Comics shipping 08/04/10
Amazing Spider-Man #639
Authority #25
Avengers Origin #5 (OF 5)
Avengers Prime #2 (OF 5)
Batman Odyssey #2 (OF 6)
Black Terror #11
Boys #45
Brightest Day #7
Captain America #608
Captain America Forever Allies #1 (OF 4)
Casanova #2
Crossed Family Values #3 (OF 6)
Darkstar And Winter Guard #3 (OF 3)
Deadpool #1000
Deadpool Wade Wilsons War #3 (OF 4)
Doomwar #6 (OF 6)
Gi Joe A Real American Hero #157
Gorilla Man #2 (OF 3)
Greek Street #14
Hawkeye & Mockingbird #3
Hit-Monkey #2 (OF 3)
Iron Man Legacy #5
Irredeemable #16
Izombie #4
Jsa All Stars #9
Jurassic Park Redemption #2
Magog #12
Marvel Universe Vs Punisher #1 (OF 4)
New Mutants Forever #1 (OF 5)
Orson Scott Cards Ender In Exile #3 (OF 5)
Rebels #19
Red Hood Lost Days #3 (OF 6)
Red Robin #15
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Secret Six #24
Secret Warriors #18
Shadowland #2 (OF 5)
Shadowland Bullseye #1
Spider-Man Fantastic Four #2 (OF 4)
Spitfire #1
Star Wars Old Republic #2 (OF 6)
Supergod #4 (OF 5)
Superman The Last Family Of Krypton #1 (OF 3)
Thor Rage Of Thor #1
Transformers Ironhide #4
Ultimate Comics Avengers 2 #6 (OF 6)
Young Allies #3

Is my list for today. Lol

Also JLI: Generations Lost is awesome, consistently great art and writing with characters who don’t get enough love. AND it’s bi-monthly

I mostly do graphic novels these days. I caught up on Scott Pilgrim over the past couple months (brilliant) and before that I plowed through a bunch of Deadpool collections (hysterical.)

I guess it all started with National Geographic, then I graduated to the discarded remnants of a Playboy. Now a days with the power of the internet, I peruse…

Oh wait, you mean comics. I thot by pull you meant…oh nevermind.

Oh, how I miss the days of the pull list (and disposable income).

I remember when Marvel announced that it was going to “experiment” with a new concept. Instead of mass marketing all their comics to news stands and drug and convenience stores (from which they’d have to buy back unsold copies), it was going to invent a new distribution system, the direct market, that only sold through subscription or through comic shops. I subscribed to these 4 experiments (Micronauts, Moon Knight, Ka-Zar, and Epic Illustrated) but soon moved close to a comic shop and those were the first of many on my pull list.

Without the validation of a big name like Marvel selling Direct Market, who knows if comic shops would have taken off as they did? So I’m kinda thanking Marvel for being indirectly responsible for the pull list. Thanks. Glad I coulda been there at the beginning.

I don’t doubt that Marvel announced it like they invented it, but Direct Shops sprung up in spite of them. They were invested in the comic code authority as much as anyone, and it was the indies and creator-owned groups (like the appropriately named First! Comics) that really made the direct distribution channel functional.

Oh, I didn’t mean to insinuate that they invented it. I was just trying to make the point that perhaps when the mainstream entered the ring, more eyes and dollars followed than would otherwise have been the case, and this attention and capitol might have helped with the acceptance and expansion of the comic shop model.

The Independents are what brought me into the store too. I hardly ever picked up mainstream superhero stuff (except when following the work of artists like Seinkiewicz, Mazzucchelli, Sale, Wagner or Miller). But I always felt in the minority even in the comic shops because, while I waited in line to by my Fantagraphics, Kitchen Sink, Slave Labor, First, Raw, Drawn & Quarterly, Dark Horse and European and Japanese import books, it seemed that most people were still buying the same old superhero stuff. That being the case, I have to imagine that if the big 2 hadn’t made the switch to comic shops, the revenue wouldn’t have been there to keep so many open.

I wish I had the time and money to still haunt those places regularly. The joy I found in comics in the 80s and early 90s still allows me to ramble on forever about some great artists, writers and concepts. And it instilled in me a love of the medium that I still hold today. I only manage to pop into a shop a few times a year now, to try to keep abreast of what’s out there. My last purchase: Mouse Guard. Quality stuff.

Now I want to go dig up my American Flagg and Badger books…

I’m going to have to pick up Mouse Guard at some point. I keep hearing that mentioned on everyone’s pull list.

Chaykin rocked. Loved Flagg, The Shadow, and his racier series too. Never was into Badger or Nexus though (though I love Barron’s art). Some of those I remember most fondly from around then are Zot!, Mr. X (early Seth), Yosagi Yojimbo, Dalgoda, The Rocketeer, Beanworld, Eddie Current, Flaming Carrot, Omaha the Cat Dancer, Concrete, Cerebus, Love and Rockets… and the list goes on.

Yeah, I never got into most of those. It was an overwhelming time, with so many books coming out. I did follow Zot for a while, and Cerebus and Bone. I had the good luck to get progs of 2000 AD while all the good stuff was happening. Later I lucked into Spawn while it was new and good.

Hell, those progs are probably worth something now…

ROFL!!! Brilliant

on the serious note - whenever I see them, I get…

Galaxy Rangers
Xmen (including X factor, etc)
Batman and Robin and other Bat titles usually
Green Lantern titles
Powers (without…fail…ALWAYS)
Iron Man

Those are my always go to’s

Lately I’ve grabbed Supergod and Kick ass and American Jesus (still awiting for the follow ups) and Nemesis…and now Superman and Wonder Woman (cant go wrong with JMS writing)

Used to lvoe Spider Man…then…well…Brand New Day brand new sucked, so…

Brand New Day did suck. Until like a year ago. American Son until now has been awesome. Especially the Rhino Gauntlet stories, Shed, and Grim Hunt

The JMS Superman start seems to be getting a love-it / hate-it response. So I’m still on the fence about jumping on. In the meantime, my pull list:

American Vampire
Avengers Academy
Batman & Robin
The Flash
GI Joe and GI Joe Cobra
Green Arrow
Invincible Iron Man
Jonah Hex
Sweet Tooth

Also catching up on Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and Walking Dead in trades.

How is Sweet Tooth?

Sweet Tooth is actually what I look forward to most each month.

Its got a lot of heart but also a good sci-fi/apocalypse story. Some folks feel it moves too slow in issues and reads better in trade, but I like the pacing a lot and am hooked on the monthly format.

This months issue #12 is actually a good jumping on point 1-year in to the series.

I picked up the first six issue of Justice League: Generation Lost. I really like it. I love JLI and its good to see those characters together again. Deep in my heart I have a hope that they will bring back Ted Kord, but I doubt that will happen.

Ted Kord is weird, I think he IS back. If you read the Blue Beetle series with Jamie or Booster Gold (I can’t remember it’s been awhile) there’s a panel where you see a silhouette of a dude and he laughs like Ted.


The panel is the first image

Tired of waiting for the wrap of of the Twilight Arc though… and the quality of Angel series has been down since After the Fall.

Just added Superman and Wonder Woman to my Pull list based solely on the JMS coming aboard. I’m on the PLUS side of the JMS traveling Superman Road Show… such a great writer, and anyone who read his run on Thor should give him a shot on the DC material…

Pull List

Amazing Spider Man (still not happy about BND but still reading for some reason)
Ultimate Spider Man
Ultimate Avengers
Secret Warriors
Wonder Woman

As far as Graphic Novels, I need to read the Scott Pilgrams… Check out CHEW if you want something freaky and interesting. Also, I almost forgot WALKING DEAD must have. Started in trades tho, so am moving forward in trades…

Do I need to have followed JLI to enjoy Generation Lost? I hear a lot of good things, but I have no previous history with JLI.

No, they give you plenty of background info.

I actually remember this part. Just don’t want to get me hopes up :slight_smile: