What is your Netflix DVD to Instant Watch ratio?

Evolutiongirl brought this up on Twitter today and I thought it was pretty interesting as a micro statistic of Netflix users. Basically what is your Netflix DVD queue ratio to Instant Watch availability? I have an IW queue, but what I’m most interested in is what is the percentage of DVDs in your DVD queue that are also available on Instant Watch?

Here’s how you do it: log in to your Netflix account and view your queue. At the top it should tell you how many DVDs are in your queue. Then simply scroll down your DVD queue list and count how many play buttons there are. So your result will look like this:

244 IW to 438 DVDs. Or 244/438 = 55.7%

So what is your percent?

~Shooter Out

1:0 Streaming lol

We only have streaming on my ps3 in Canada. So no DVD here.

I did this the easy way: Log into FeedFliks. You’ll get a lot of stats, including a breakdown of how you’re getting your money’s worth.

24 out of the 94 DVDs in our queue are both IW and DVD.

And then there’s 371 shows/movies in my IW queue.

My stats would be skewed as I frequently remove stuff from my DVD queue when it becomes available on instant watch, unless it’s something I want to make sure I get eventually (as things tend to drop off instant)

They are further skewed by the fact that I’m dropping DVDs when the price split takes effect on current users at the end of the month.

Can’t check my queue right now but the wife and I are using Netflix to work our way through Prime Suspect. I would be surprised if I could stream it.

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we only put stuff in the dvd queue when it’s not instant watchable. 30 in dvd queue, 295 instant. plus, we’re terrible about letting a dvd sit on the shelf for days/weeks. we really should drop the dvd service

Ooooh I love Prime Suspect. I had to get the DVDs, though, when I watched it. I think I varied between Netflix and my uni library, depending on how quickly I could get the discs (and which ones were at the library).

I’ve been annoyed recently as the foreign film selection (that I’m interested in) has dwindled (and it’s not like there are a ton of other venues to access them with).

I generally have a pattern. When I’m watching something that has multiple discs, like a television show, or something I’ve been anticipating, I watch them quickly and return the discs ASAP. When I get to a part of my queue that I’m less thrilled by, then we keep them for a longer time. This happens often when I’ve gotten a film that my other half expresses interest in, and then never gets around to watching… until I mention that we’ve had it out X period of time, and that if he’s not going to watch it, I’m returning it. We currently have the 2 disc at a time plan, but come September 1 we’ll be going down to 1.

Anyways, the stats (though FeedFliks appears to have counted items multiple times):

1173 titles in DVD queue, only 162 are streamable
552 titles in instant queue, but of those, 288 are not currently available.

That’s about what mine looks like.

Same issue. I went from watching 5 discs per month reliably to taking 2-3 weeks to return each disc. This very close to makes it financially stupid to keep the DVD plan except that the movies I need to get through the mail are not Red Boxable… and Red Box is actually not that great in D.C. I’d have to go out of my way to get one after work. So even if it comes out to $6/movie, I’m keeping the mail service.

I figured I should re-post in a Netflix specific thread.

Netflix, Qwikster: Two sites, two queues

"Netflix is splitting into two companies — one for streaming shows over the Internet and one for renting DVDs — in a move that its executives say will be good for business but analysts predict will be frustrating for customers.

In a few weeks, those interested in both services will have to log on and search for movies on two separate Web sites, the company said. They’ll also see two bills."

We are only using IW, but many of the things we want are DVD. Not sure what we’ll end up doing when the STARZ content leaves in Feb. I’m wondering if Blockbuster will fill in the gap in a meaningful way. We watched a movie on another streaming service that is preprogrammed on our TV and it was so crappy, so I hope Netflix survives because it streams well.

I would gladly pay $20/month for Netflix IW if everything was on it. I know they want us to give up our DVD plans, and that’s part of this move. But I go through 3 DVDs a month because many of the things I want to watch aren’t on IW. I don’t know that I’ll stay subscribed to DVDs once Qwikster is up and running, but I haven’t identified a good replacement yet.

I just changed my Netflix account to only IW. Is Qwikster decent? Does it work the same way as DVD’s from Netflix?
(Yup, just insert n00b jokes) :slight_smile:

Addendum to last: Yeah, I just realized Qwikster isn’t “up” yet. HA!

Most of you have probably already seen this, but it looks like Netflix once again missed the mark with their changes.

Basically, the article says they are not splitting Netflix and Qwikster right now. Sounds like there was a lot of backlash on the issue of having to check two sites for availability of Instant or DVD content. Just goes to show that we can make a difference if we express our opinions to these companies.

Hopefully next time they’ll ask 10 random people before making a sweeping change like this. If 9 of them say it’s a bad idea and the 10th goes “Derp” they should go back to the drawing board.