What if the he Matrix Ran on Windows

What would the matrix movies had been like if the machines had used Windows as their operating system for the Matrix.

Click here to see the video.



That was awe[connection dropped]

First Tuesday of the month there would be thousands of deja vu cats.

Very clever and 100% factual considering The Matrix is considered science fiction.

Oh my gods that was well done.

“Ubuntu ? I am going to learn Ubuntu?”

I know Ubuntu.

Prove it.

if ($Moprheus == kicksmysorrybarb)
print $“You win, Pike!”, "

LOL! That was great.

Now, if the Matrix ran on a Mac, we’d be all good. :stuck_out_tongue:

…that would make Bill Gates an avatar of The Architect in the Matrix-verse…

I think the RAM overheads would be WAAAAAAAY too high for Windows to support the Matrix…

Absolutely classic

Just read this thread. Great.

Just spotted this one too, fantastic video.

I’m downloading Ubuntu right now.