Choose your top three favorite quotes from podcast 260. If you have a favorite quote not listed or a favorite quote listed in the Honorable Mentions list below vote “other” and reply to this thread with the quote and time during the podcast that it was said. Have fun!
Honorable Mention List:
”Face in the A-Team is sporting the correct application of a 5 o’clock shadow.” Sean 5:21
“If there was one gun I would ever want from anytime anywhere it would be the one [in Timeline Wars].” Chuck 93:57
“My great-great grandparents owned a piece of land that 20 years after they sold it became Madison Square Garden” @RevGWCSean 109:44
“Two of Shannon‘s distant relatives were on record in the civil war as deserting in the Confederate Army twice” Sean 127:10
“This from the man who wants to go into space and/or to other planets and across town is too far away.” Sean 134:14