Labour Day Weekend Special: If there are at least ten votes in this poll by 8:00 PM Monday Night September 3rd, 2012 GWCville time (US Central Time for now) StuffHeardOnGWC will give a free GWC t-shirt of your choice from Zazzle to the person that posts the most entertaining reason on why they should get the specific t-shirt. You must vote on this thread’s poll in order to win. You must state which t-shirt you want and why. All forum members are eligible to participate. You may submit as many posts as you want. Only one post per t-shirt reason allowed. All decisions made by StuffHeardOnGWC including the entertainment value of your post and reason are final. Contest is limited to t-shirts currently on sale in the GWC Zazzle storefront. Contest winner must provide your shipping address to StuffHeardOnGWC upon notification of winning in order for t-shirt to be purcahsed. Extra points will be given to posts that tie in a quote from this thread’s poll. All rules subject to change at any time by StuffHeardOnGWC. Good luck and may Crom ignore you.
ETA: Bonus points for RT’s on Twitter, shares on Facebook and posts on Google+. Please post a link to your RT, share or post on a reply to this thread for full and complete credit.