What are your favorite quote(s) from podcast 300?

Choose your favorite quote(s) from podcast 300. If you have a favorite quote not listed reply to this thread with the quote and time during the podcast that it was said. Have fun!

Don’t forget to stop by the podcast 19 favorite quote poll and the podcast 20 favorite quote poll to vote for your favorite podcast 19 and podcast 20 quote(s)!

The runners-up for the podcast 300 quote poll are:

“Dude you not only derailed your cast. You derailed ours.” Sean 3:56 (Legends Podcast / Eff This Week)

“Let me slap my balls on your track pad.” Sean 13:43

“The salty wet slap of GWC goodness.” Sean 13:48

“I’ve always wanted to have a cast that is banned.” Sean 14:16

“Gretel gone wild!” Sean 50:05

“Ladies and Gentlmen I give you the GWC FSL 3.5 No Damned Colon Holiday Edition…Celebrate Day.” Sean 66:25

Singing: “He wears short schwartz.” Sean 70:47

“My milkshake brings all the clones to the lawn.” Audra 71:06

“I don’t have my super power enabler here. All I got’s my iPhone. It’s surprisingly crappy for searching porn.” Sean 89:56

“You had me at ho” Chuck 104:56

“The trick to getting to those high numbers…it’s not not having any problems, it’s just dealing with them.” Chuck 116:36

“GWC: We go deep.” Sean 120:57

“Here at GWC we are not lacking filler that we are aware of.” Sean 138:16

“Sean is the King of the ice cream cake.” Chuck 146:33

“I don’t talk about it a lot on the cast but I am a fanatic Witchblade fan.” Sean 168:48

“There’s much more of God in our popular culture than people are anywhere near aware of.” Dr. Jerry Wichelns 182:59

“The virtual reality is of course always…reprogrammable. Real reality is not.” Dr. Jerry Wichelns 187:24

“Having a healthy virtual world can be exciting, very instructional, very self informing and just a lot of fun.” Dr Wichelns 197:22

“Do we have the most people? No. We have the best people!” Sean 224:44

“I’m nothin’ if not loyal. I have no honor but I’m nothin’ but not loyal.” Sean 234:44