Welcome to the Marvel Multiverse, Star Wars!

This is something that I’ve been tossing back and forth in my head for a while, since even before the Disney/Lucasfilm merger. Thanks to a comment that Cody made on the Clone Wars episode of the Quantum Tavern podcast I thought I would bring the discussion here. I touched on it briefly in the “JJ Abrams confirmed as VII director” thread. The title pretty much says it all but the possible implications are much bigger than just possible crossovers with Marvel comic book characters in-continuity.

First, let’s look at the precedent Marvel has set with possible future’s in their own comics. In X-Men we have multiple possible futures from storylines like Days of Future Past and Age of Apocalypse. There’s also the mid-90’s “2099” line which established one possible future which was then retconned into another alternate reality within the larger Marvel multiverse. This doesn’t mean that the “past” of the 2099 reality doesn’t line up partially (or more) with the “present” of the 616 universe.

As I write this, I don’t know that there’s been any confirmation for or against the possibility that the next Star Wars films would overwrite and ignore the established history from the Expanded Universe. While I’m sure that personnel within Lucasfilm are well aware that the prequels might not have ever existed if not for the momentum that Expanded Universe maintained through both the comics and the novels in the dark times before there were new movies, I’m not so sure Disney cares as they are after the biggest chunk of mass market money they can get. This would not be the first time however that EU writers would be forced to adapt contradictory information from the films to fit the EU continuity. While the powers that be could choose to skip the timeframe of the EU altogether and avoid all this nonsense, by all reports this appears not to be the case. This opens the door wide open for a comic or novel miniseries that could tell the story of where the timeline deviated so that both continuities could exist side-by-side in the larger Star Wars “multiverse.” Even better, as Frakkintalos mentioned in the JJ Abrams thread, if you want to play in the playground, go for it. Who’s to say that Dark Horse or later Disney-owned Marvel couldn’t then expand the Infinities line to tell us the stories of the prequels before (rumor ahead, consume with a healthy level of skepticism) George Lucas was forced to rewrite them in order to cut out his ex-wife from the creative royalties, without disrupting the current continuity.

Finally, this opens up the possibility that if Star Wars is encompassed within the large Marvel multiverse for “the Force” to be “discovered” by the current inhabitants of the Marvel Universe. I don’t think I need to elaborate on what that might mean but at the very least it could mean Earth-based Force users, at most a newly-established Jedi Order in this galaxy.

From what I understand, Dark Horse has something like 3 years left on their licensing contract for Star Wars comics. I don’t expect them to be moved to Marvel before that.

Right, I had heard that as well. That would be the perfect time to bring the comic line over to Marvel. I wouldn’t put it past Disney for them to make some big deal about them putting out a brand new Star Wars line through Marvel.

While the powers that be could choose to skip the timeframe of the EU altogether and avoid all this nonsense, by all reports this appears not to be the case. This opens the door wide open for a comic or novel miniseries that could tell the story of where the timeline deviated so that both continuities could exist side-by-side in the larger Star Wars “multiverse.”

I don’t think you need to specifically explain all of this. Not every version of a story needs to have a literal alternate universe explanation. The current Star Wars EU can continue, and there can be movies based off Star Wars 7-9, as long as it is clear which is which, and I don’t think that will be a problem. While Star Wars continuity is somewhat complex, it is not nearly as long or complex as all the Marvel continuity which actually deal with universe altering events.

This is true and it’s not like talented EU writers couldn’t retcon anything or everything that might be contradicted by future films. The reason I bring it up is the movies don’t look to just be treading in territory where books have already gone, but dealing with specific events that the books have already dealt with quite extensively. Granted all this can change before episode VII but by all current reports it’s going to deal specifically with Luke, Han and Leia 30-40 years after Jedi. This is a timeframe in which the EU has already introduced and subsequently killed several major characters that have greatly affected the “galaxy far, far away” as well as multiple wars that physically altered at least one planet a great deal that figured heavily into the prequels (Coruscant) and one which the new films likely have every intention to use again.

While the prequels walked on some minor details of the EU, “Rogue Planet” crediting Raith Sienar with the design of the Death Star then showing the blueprints on Geonosis in Episode II it’s not like the relationship between those two events couldn’t be easily explained. Lucas explicitly stated that he didn’t want the EU playing too much in the prequel era anyway. However, if Episode VII chooses to deal Han and Leia having children without following the EU precedent of twins, Jacen and Jaina, and their third, Anakin, having passed away in a massive intergalactic war or not addressing Luke’s marriage to one of the Emperor’s Force-trained secret assassins, then all bets are off. Those are far larger discrepancies that won’t easily be explained.

That said, regardless of the way they decide to go, I’ll be happy; in three years I get to take my son to his first Star Wars movie in the theater. In that respect alone it will be the best Star Wars-related experience I can possibly imagine.

That’s twice I’ve posted this guy’s videos in a few weeks, but he makes some good points once again:

Patton Oswalt’s pitch for the ultimate movie crossover:


If they Kickstarter that flick I’m in :slight_smile: I can only imagine the Twitter explosion of that this will unleash upon the world.