Wednesday Comics

I haven’t been a comics guy for a while now (expensive 'bit) but I’ve heard some low-level, yet positive buzz about this one and I decided to check out the first one.

Verdict: Awesomesauce!

If you don’t know, it’s a 16 page newsprint broadsheet of DC comics, with one continuing strip per page (minus the cover.) The newsprint is high-quality (for newsprint) and the illustrations hold up well. It’s folded into quarters for display (normal comic size) and unfolds into old-skool broadsheet size (what newspapers used to be, before they started cheating to save on paper costs.)

The titles range from the headliners (Supes, Bats) to the obscure (Metal Men, Metamorpho (written by Gaiman!)) The tone varies from the deadly serious (Bats) to the bizzarely cheesy (Metamorpho.) It’s like the old Sunday Comics and 2000 AD had a bastard love child.

It’s a tad pricey at $3.99 (and it’s a weekly) but if you’re going to buy one title, I can’t see how you’d do better. I’m going back to pick up some more today.

It is very good!

It’s crap. Utter crap. Oooooh nostalgia. Yeah whatever. Maybe it’ll be decent when each story is eventually collected so you can actually enjoy the story. “Oh but DP the art is sooo good” Don’t matter if I can’t get into the story because it’s one page with constant cliff hangers

And that’s different from regular comics how?

OK, there’s the length they have to tell the story, but they’re also on it every frakin’ week. Hell, just have the store hold them for you and get into it once a month.

Me? I’m lovin’ it. (TM McDonalds Corp.)

Cause a comic is 22 pages of story. Wednesday is 1 page, it’s a big page but still.

Mavel puts out these anthology books every once in awhile that’s like 4 stories each are like 5-6 pages and some are one shots, some are 3-4 issues, some are like 6-8 issues, and then there’s sometimes a 12 issue mega arc.

That’s, in my opinion, the way to do this type of book

I do agree for the most part, but Wednesday Comics is just such a new format, and not something I’ve personally seen before.

The 1 page a week format allows for some very clever “playing with the form” The Gaiman/Allred Metamorpho is so well done!

It’s a series of shorts, rather than a feature, sure. But think of it like the Sunday Funny Pages meets 2000 AD and they have a bastard child, rather than a regular comic book.

I was informed as I bought the next four that it’s a limited run. (Nine or ten, can’t remember.) I hope that it’s just a toe in the water, and it ends up getting re-upped because YOU ALL GO OUT AND BUY THEM!

I tried this, bought the first five or so issues, but it didn’t work for me. I’m not wild about the newsprint and the folding. Its very difficult to refold it just they way it was and its not easy to just sit down and read, at least not without damaging it.

But those nitpicky collecter issues aside, most of the stories didn’t work for me.

Batman - Never been a big Batman fan and this story didn’t grab me.

Kamandi - Great art but I’ve never been a fan of the character.

Superman - Not digging whiney and emo Superman.

Deadman - I was actually kind of liking this one. I’ve never read any Deadman and this was interesting.

Green Lantern - This got off to a REALLY slow start but it was looking like it was going to improve.

Metamorpho - Take it or leave it, although the gimmicks are only going to take it so far.

Teen Titans - I like the characters but the story just wasn’t that great, felt a bit generic

Strange Adventures - I really liked this one, an interesting story and great art. Had kind of a Conan the barbarian in space feel to it.

Supergirl - Loved this one! Love the cute Amanda Connor art and the goofy and fun story.

Metal Men - Another one I really didn’t feel strongly about

Wonder Woman - This one was just plain bad. I nearly got eyestrain reading the first one and skipped it from there on out. Too much dialogue in small boxes.

Sgt. Rock - I’m pretty sure exactly nothing happened in the five issues I read. If you’re gonna use this format then SOMETHING has to happen.

The Flash - Kind of neat and I kind of liked it but it wasn’t fantastic.

The Demon and Catwoman - Meh, not really wild about it.

Hawkman - My other favorite. This one was a lot of fun.

Basically thats 2 stories I really liked, a few I kind of liked, a lot I didn’t think much about one way or the other and a couple I flat out disliked. For 4 bucks they have to do a lot better.

I wonder if it works better if you remember when Metal Men, Metamorpho, etc., were originally running?

Probably not, I never read a Metal Men book until the mid 90’s relaunch (terrible) and the (fantastic) new series that came out 2 years ago.

Metamorpho was always a member of the JLE rather than anything special to me too.