Warehouse 13 3x10 Insatiable

Monday, 19 September 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

And here we are. But I’m distracted by the Eureka season finale…

whaaaaaaaaat they screwed Jinx!? they suck

Me too. :confused:

At least they didn’t kill him, I guess making him homeless and unemployable and a prisoner in his own country is better than dead, right?

I’m not sure if I understand a monster of the week episode as the season finale… Not that there’s anything wrong with zombies… :slight_smile:

Yeah but we’ll see how they pull it together.

Want to bet (figuratively) that the button the guy gave Claudia’s a tracker?

I changed my mind. I’m mercurial. Deal with it. :smiley:

“not the adjective that I’d use”
there’s our Claudia.

He answered the phone! uh oh

“I’m mercurial. Deal with it.”
“Yeah, not exactly the adjective I’d choose to use right now.” :smiley:

noooooooooooo! say no to the artifact

Aw, what’s going on with Jinx? :frowning:

I figure he thinks he’s protecting her from the regents…

OMG I’m sure it’s not the eyebrows.


aand they got pete

Last name’s Mulder. hehe

“When it happens, I want you to be the one who puts me down.”
“Wait. What?” :smiley:

Nooo, don’t eat from the taco truck!

Artie trying to find a topic of conversation is painfully hilarious

It kinda reminds me of my Dad trying to make conversation with my friends when I was a kid. LOL. Didn’t go well.

Oh, poor Myka.