Warehouse 13 3x09 Shadows

Monday, 12 September 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Yay more Pete’s mom!

Spooky Mrs. Frederick is spooky. :eek:

awesome how much do I love Pete’s mom? she gets vibes! awesome :smiley:

Geez Louise…my mom get’s vibes too?!?

Irene and Jane. hehehe.

They’re going to drive him back to drinking. I foresee it by season’s end. :frowning:

Jason is sort of… vaporized right now. Please leave a message.

Is Jane on the hurricane name list this year too?

Oh, thatt’s awful. Incredibly funny, but still awful…

We haven’t had much Myka and Pete time this season, it’s nice for them to have a discussion together

Yeah it does seem that this is the direction we’re going…

Nope. Jose.


Did anyone smell fudge?

I love Myka’s hair. Too bad my hair didn’t like to be styled that way. sigh. #hairenvy

oh wow FYI

glitter! yay!

uf. that looked unpleasant.

Ruh-Roh. Somebody’s getting rid of men! :eek:

Yay! Backstory! :cool:

It is the Jane way…

Aw. Poor Pete. :frowning: