Warehouse 13 3x08 The 40th Floor

Monday, 29 August 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

she’s a sworn fbi agent… or is she?

I think not.

yeah those shadowy regents? not so useful now.

What is with the stun guns tonight?

Why isn’t she in handcuffs?

Kate Mulgrew in the credits!

sasha roiz AND kate mulgrew? lovely evening :slight_smile:

aw man how kick ass is Claudia

Bowling for Bad Guys. :slight_smile:

That is a rather bulky stun grenade. That’s why Claudia has such a large bag.

oooh Mrs Frederick!

Don’t mess with Mrs. F :slight_smile:

YAY Regent Janeway

Never a good idea to get all the important people in the same elevator…

Micah TOLD you!!

it was in 1890


“We had the building secured until you showed up.”

Uh, no, the bad guys have been in the building already.

Anarchy symbol in the shaft…

And absolutely no way three or four guys could secure an entire skyscraper in under 3 hours. Simply not possible.