Warehouse 13 3x06 Don't Hate the Player

Monday, 15 August 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

And here we are

well Fargo goes in for life-threatening situations this week, doesn’t he

I’m having a bit of trouble figuring out the timing of this…it sure doesn’t seem to sync with just about to get lucky with Felicia Day from the last episode.

Fargo is moonlighting in virtual reality games?!?

yeah I’m not sure how the timelines work either. But also SG:U doctors show up in Eureka, so anything goes?

Fargames, Imagining Greater. Ahem.

I wonder who owns the IP for Fargo’s work, is it him, or GD, or the government? hmm

yay! Jinx is back! and uh oh I hope bad lady doesn’t mess with him.

“imagining greater” giggle snort

evil British writer strikes again!

Beatrix Potter’s Teapot - 'SHROOM tea. :slight_smile:

I’m getting flashes of Inception and Existenz with that white & blue Simon Says

hehe Pete’s Conan

And Claudia’s an elf.

Claudia doesn’t look unlike my character in Dragon Age…

Crom, show me the wizard who killed my mother!

LOL Artie’s one of the NPCs

Game-Artie looks like the half-pint general toy in Sebastian’s house in Blade Runner.

to Fortress 13! muwahaha

Claudielf! lol.