Warehouse 13 3x04 Queen for a Day

Monday, 1 August 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Pete’s looking good this season.

Is that the little bug that Artie is chasing the one that got away from Claudia during the season premiere?

He can’t keep his shirt on. He’s totally pulling a Kirk.

Did no one see Topgun? Inconceivable! The chick flick with F-14s?!?!?! Say it ain’t so

I missed that one. Good eye.

I’m glad Pete’s got the spikier hair back this week. Last week he was looking so square.

Talk to me Goose! :slight_smile:

I would so love to be married to Jeri Ryan.

I think we’ve seen the bug in every episode so far this season.

Jeri Ryan looks good in Marine. Semper Fi!!!

Somehow, I’m OK with that. :slight_smile:

Every week I forget Pete is a recovering alcoholic. He seems so right its hard to remember he has a major flaw.

They’ve made mention of it explicitly in the last two episodes. I wonder if a relapse is forthcoming. :frowning:

Is that the same bug or a different one?

My two favorite characters on this show are Pete and Claudia.

What? Artie doesn’t know what an artifact does?

“You gasped! You rarely gasp!” :smiley:

Artie’s Law? Artie’s middle name must be Murphy.

Wow - this really affected Pete. I sense something really bad is about to happen to Pete.

It’s from the Egyptian warehouse, isn’t it? Would anyone know what it does, even Mrs. Fredericks?