Monday, 25 July 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
Whoo-hoo! Mika is BAAAAACCCKKKKK!!
There is nothing better in this universe than huffy Arite.
That had BETTER be a dream!
mmm, gratuitous Pete shirtlessness.
I’m good, but I’ve never changed a woman’s hair color.
“I’m good, but I’ve never changed a woman’s hair color.”
What the frak?
Myka looks awful as a blond.
Mika does not look good blond…
Great minds think alike.
Let’s take it to the next level…a jog? Hehe
Ok, so we’re getting the Cialis from the commericals, the slep number bed from Lindsey Wagner, they are well on their way to a very good date.
“Ooh! Almost saw one of the Tetons!”
Yes, although partly it was the horrible faces she was making at the thought of sleeping with Pete and being a blond.
oh I’ve missed their banter
That is gonna be bad.
That’ll teach to to misuse your webcam missie. :rolleyes:
Apparently porn really does dehumanize women.
99 sons and one daughter?
Smurfette’s not related to Papa Smurf! :mad: