Warehouse 13 2x07 For the Team

Tuesday, 17 August 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

I missed the first few minutes… what’s up?

Se~nor sensitivo? Oh dear if my students said that…

Artie as walrus face! hilarious!

His appendix regrows every year? Ouch


(ok that sounds weird, I mean would you just yell out, hey HG? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t)

I am intrigued, HG Wells helping the W13 peeps? curiouser and curiouser

And Artie has a crush!

I like how Mykah is mentoring Claudia a lot :slight_smile:

I’ve missed the first half-hour. :frowning:

What’s going on?

Damsel-in-distress and hero archetype, all without a man around?

Progressive. :slight_smile:

Wrestlers spontaneously combust, Wells is trying to get Mykah’s sympathy, Claudia’s working on being a field agent, and Artie’s in love

So - can we trust Wells? She’s pretty cool, but that can’t be it… she’s got to be up to something nefarious.

:smiley: and awesome

“I need a prep nurse. Get in here.”
“OK, but I’m not shaving anything.” :smiley:

Let us not forget that she murdered McPherson in front of them. She can talk about times changing and being held to a different standard all she wants; it doesn’t change what she’s done.

She does make the argument that MacPherson was going to kill them, so she killed him…

I want to trust her, because she’s awesome, but I’m suspicious

She’s awesome, yes, but I’m comfortable with her as a villain. :stuck_out_tongue:

Did I combust?

This is why we love Claudia

I’m pretty sure Wells set this all up to get on their good side.

Awww she left her the dart gun! But did she take the ladle…

So what’s the deal with his appendix?