Warehouse 13 1x07 Implosion

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

I’m guessing this guy is gonna die. WHoa! That was frakked up.

I’m finally caught up with this. Well, kinda. I still have to see the pilot.

So far, Claudia is my favorite character.

Well hello, Talos!

Mine as well! Followed closely by…well hell I can’t remember his name, but the male agent.

Peter Lattimer, he’s the most Farscape character…if that makes sense.

That would be him!

edit I’m not sure what you mean by Farscape.

I’m really liking the steam punk vibe on this show

Oh noes!!!


An absolutely fantastic fun show.

Oh I realize the show…I’m just not sure what you mean by that description. ALas I have only seen a couple episodes.

Everyone always says, “Don’t look directly into the light.”

I would look and then UGH!

His quirky comments are very much like the John Crichton character.

It’s so strange watching shows with commercials. I’ve been so busy catching up and DVR FF’d.

I love U2. Awesome.

U2 is one of my all time favorites

I loved Brad Pitt on Bill Maher last week.

Inglorious Bastards.

That trailer was the extent of clean dialogue for the film, I bet.

With Tarentino directing? I have no doubt this is true!

Ye gods! I was all busy setting up Trek fraks that I completely forgot about this show!

I can see that. Not nearly enough leather-pants-wearing, though. :slight_smile:

Speaking of Tarantino, I learned about sword-making from Kill Bill.