Sure. come on over.
Liking the character of Claudia.
Technobabble of the show is a bit on the cheeseball side, but I like the characters, like the show. I think it has even more potential than it has already shown.
Violence in shadow so it can be on SYFY?
Oops…artifact in the hands of an amatuer. Crispy hoodlums.
Of course it is cheeseball it has to be in order to stay with the steampunk feel of the show
district 9 on Friday!
mmm, old-fangled holography.
i am liking the holo-gram thing…
Artie says WOW…Claudia rocks!
Old Timey guy…is kinda cute.
OMG! Rotary dial?!?!? hahahahahaha
They need to get there stories straight
I don’t trust the old girlfriend. I think she’s responsible.
see cookies!!!
OK, now I am getting angry. All your old tech stuff I grew up with.
Tea and cookies.
No worries…I used rotary dial!! Much to my grandmother’s dismay!
And did they not notice the old girlfriend knew about the electrocutions without them saying anything!!!
Jarhead dude…maybe he’s got an issue. Oh that gang guy couldn’t be involved, could he? Hope that guy isn’t planning on making detective.
is that bruce willi?
You’re not wrong.
I know! Love it.
I wonder what it would take to wire one like that. hmm.
There’s something on your back!!