Wanted (spoilers!!)

I watched the movie than bought the comic, comic is better but the movie is still cool

the end of the comic after he shoots his dad and seems to be leaving the evil behind, than the entire crux of comic hits you.

your just shitting me.

lets see what 10 million looks like in real money

as an aside the the creator of comic just made himself a giant pile of money which make me happy cause comic people next to never make a piles of money.

Could you rephrase your comments on the movie? For the life of me I’m trying to decipher it but I just get lost! :stuck_out_tongue: Especially the part about comparing the ending of the comic to the ending of the movie. Actually I’m curious to hear any thoughts on the comic, really.

Even now I’m still not sure what to say about this movie when my friends ask me about Wanted, but mostly I say I enjoyed it. Despite some true ridiculousness, the action stuff was really inventive. You can’t take it seriously and that would be the point, where most if not all the summer movie blockbusters take themselves too way seriously (Indy4 somewhat excluded) yet offer little more than CGI novelties in another wise hollow experience, Wanted takes it a step higher and just seems to have fun with it all without managing not to get a big head about itself (staggering if you consider how perposterious the effects were, they work in harmony with the the rest of the over-the-top characters and direction). The entire cast, crew, director and visual effects team seemed to say “let’s just go for it” and I think they succeeded. And if that isn’t a small triumph in the world of self-important, hyper-indulgent moviemaking these days, what is? All the elements firing on all pistons to put together something stunning and fun. And that’s what actually sets it apart from the crowd of other… crowd-pleasers. It was indeed a symphony… of dry irony, look-at-me slow-motion, bullet orgasms and blowing up stuff real good. Weird, ain’t it?

It definitely plays to the ADD teen crowd who can’t get enough slow-mo, gun-gasms and explosions, those who got teased in high school and probably didn’t get enough hugs from daddy as a kid :stuck_out_tongue: but they lucked out with a winner. Wanted knows what is, where it comes from and relishes in it like a pig in mud hehe. Is it an homage to the original Matrix or a ripoff? I’m going with the former, but does it matter? it’s great fun and good company to be in. I was also impressed with the twist which I was not expecting from such a movie that didn’t seem to be aiming very high plotwise. [spoiler]If his dad wanted to save him, why not just… I dunno… try frakkin’ TALKING to your damn kid lol Which of course would be the bit of common sense that negates the whole movie.[/spoiler]By the end, it came as a satisfying turn and made me glad I took the ride. Wanted certainly does movie fun better than other popcorn films of the summer and even the past few years.

It’s definitely one of those spectacles you gotta see to believe… if only to see wtf those scenes in the trailers are all about. As outrageous spectacles go, Wanted was one worth witnessing.

Even Konstantin Khabensky had a brief appearance as a character as ridiculous as the movie itself hehe. Like Timur Bekmambetov I guess he was just happy to be in an american movie so why not have fun with it :slight_smile:

I’ll probably be waiting on the DVD for this one. I read the comics, loved them and the departure from them is keeping me away. I’ll go see it if a group of my friends are going but I’m not going out of my way. =/

Where’s my super villains? T_T

Oh god. That movie was so…so cliche. They took a truly original concept, shocking in this day and age, and just turned it into hollywood bullshit. A fucking loom? A textile factory? REALLY? Binary? COME THE FUCK ON

Sorry barb

I have to say that I actually liked this movie. I knew what I was getting into when I stepped into the theatre and I got exactly what I was expecting. Fun. It was a fast paced thrill ride. Most of the plot was totally absurd. But that doesn’t bother me in the least. And despite the fact that I think Angelina Jolie needs to gain some weight, seeing her entire back side naked was nice.

Prophet, I’m 100% with you. I made the mistake of holding off to watch the movie until I had read the book. Luckily it was a free viewing, but needless to say there were multiple “sorry barbs” echoing through my living room.

I can go into a huge rant about this, but for now I’ll restrain myself to one comment:

How sad a situation is it, when the events of a fantasy based story (i.e. superheroes and supervillains) are 1000% more believable than the events of a “reality based” (secret assassins with stupid frakin giant looms) story?

Filmmakers should treat Mark Millar with the reverence that they reserve for Frank Miller.

There’s little in this world that I find more annoying and insulting than hollywood types taking a concept from a comic that was perfectly entertaining on the page and then in some sort of crazy “we know better than those geeks” attitude change it into something utterly unrecognizable and unintentionally funny.

So essentially what the Wanted movie taught me is that if you get together a bunch of monks to weave baskets, calculate the patterns they weaved into unicode and then use a highly complex computer mainframe designed by small children to (insert utterly inane and incorrect techno-babble here), step 3: profit!
Unfortunately I don’t think that Mark Millar really cared what they did with his book, which is sad, because it was good.

It’s times like these that I completely agree with Alan Moore.

Hey now. no-one deserves Robocop 3!