Walking Dead

Otis dying was a miracle? Shane is a god! :cool:

Way to go, Deanna Troi. :eek:

Oh good grief. What an eejit. :frowning:

Bwaaahaha! :smiley:

ā€œThere is no hope for any of us.ā€

Took you long enough.

Isnā€™t burning those bodies a terrible idea? Wonā€™t the light and the smell attract walkers?

Was that Otis? :eek:

I couldnā€™t tell. Ohcrapohcrapohcrap. If it is, Shane is going down!

Itā€™s even worse than I thot. Itā€™s RENE! :eek:

OMGs, is that Whatsisname from True Blood?

Yeah, him! :eek:

Lamebrains. I like that. :slight_smile:

Mad props to Rick and his strong spidey-sense. Too bad Herschel and Glen are slow on the uptake.

ā€œI thought we were friends.ā€

You just met, and youā€™re friends? Maybe in the Facebook sense. :rolleyes:

Shame that Rickā€™s spidey-sense doesnā€™t work more often.

Damn, Rick, that was impressive.

Iā€™m more than a little turned on right now, not gonna lie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Had to do it. That was an ā€œus or themā€ type of situation. Glad it was them.

Killer Rick is hot. :slight_smile:

Did I blink and miss the preview for next week? :frowning:

Is it bad of me to be glad that Lori got hurt?
I loved that Daryl told her off when she told him to go to the town and fetch Rick.