Visitor Messages

Hey all,

I stumbled upon some “Visitor Messages” in my CP panel when I was updating my avatar. There were a couple of current ones (which I can’t find) and a few ‘deleted by sender’ (which I never saw.)

I’m not a vB pro, and have no idea what functionality this is, or is supposed to be, so if you think you know where these came from, let me know. (And also know that I haven’t been ignoring you.)

I posted a Visitor message for you just now, just to see whether you ignore me or not.

OK, that one showed up in notifications, but I’ve got a couple others that didn’t. Odd.

Your profile says “Pike has not made any friends yet.” Sorry to hear that.

I was considering becoming your friend, but first I need to have my people do an extensive investigation into your personality problems and habits. I’ll have them fed-ex you the 35 page application form.

I still have no idea what this friend thing is. I never knew we had to put it in writing. :rolleyes:

Don’t do it, Pike! It’s a scam!!!

Everybody ignores me :frowning:

It is NOT a scam, Pike. Pay no attention to the cute woman in the pink PJs behind the curtain.
It is not a scam, and the application fee is very reasonable at $149.00 (longer term friendships have higher fees naturally).

yeah, I read that too. very sad. all that misanthropic shooing folk off his lawn has left Pike lonely and friendless :smiley:

So very sad. I’m picturing the kids getting off the schoolbus, their pace quickening as they pass 'Ol Man Pike’s house, furtive glances at the house, hushed comments…Pike, peering out a front window, clutching a worn copy of Watchmen and muttering “It’s in the frakking ship” over and over to an empty room…

OMGs, that made me laugh pretty frakking loud.

Me too. :smiley: