Virtuality: 6/26, 8EDT/7CDT

ooooooooooooh yes.

Mr. Producer-psychologist is tres sketchy

So what is this? Big Brother in space?

OK so what we got so far is the Capt. and hot lady playing around with each other, she is married to the Psychologist, and stuff from another program are interupting. You think the Psychologist is the one that crossed the programs to deal with his wife’s vertual infidelity?

The NY sky is absolutely beautiful. I’ll try and get a picture.

It’s nice here too. Post heavy rain sun bouncing off the clouds.

Sort of, insofar as I can tell. But with more investment - since the Earth is going to become uninhabitable within the century. :frowning:

And we have a married(?) couple, she aborted (maybe?) a pregnancy so they could go on the mission. And a gay couple that objects to the way they’re portrayed. Who’s the lady thats the host, now? and the psychologist’s wife is a biologist, right?

The VR killer guy is also quite creepy

Okay, I just remembered Virtuality was on tonight and started watching right after the last commercial break. What did I miss? :slight_smile:

That would be the obvious conclusion.

Which, of course, makes me doubt that that’s what’s going on. :slight_smile:

Some establishing of the characters, of the severity of the situation on Earth.

It’s amazing how the old ways of thinking are so easily adapted again, right lol :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m up to the Munster theme in Japanese rock show. Hehe, at first I thot it was another FOX series coming next Fall.

Em - Lots of exposition of the individual crew members, the crew is on TV too, and the Capt and the Botanist are getting it on on-line.

The Future of TV is pr0n.

And the past, and current … there is a basic pr0n theme to things most people watch. Sometimes it’s arm or robot based too. :wink:

Okay got it! Between the infidelity and the catfight about hacking, it sure seems like there’s a lot of drama on the love boat :slight_smile:

totally. though what was the whole she doesn’t like other women thing? weird.

And there is a hint that the drama is being pushed for ratings.

The mutagenic Mountain Dew scares me. :eek:

LOL world of warcraft mountain dew commercial. they know who their audience is lol.

american idol for michael jackson? um. what?

and he pushed the doctor off the cliff?? yuck.

Now, does the psychologist use the virtual reality, and if so, will he get killed too?