V 1x08 We Can't Win


“No. An Opportunity.”

Saw that coming.

“Bring them blue energy.”

Did not see that coming.

Shouldn’t be bleeding anymore.

He trusts him because he doesn’t believe a V would cosmetically alter their perfect skin to fool people. d:

I guess the Vs celebrate earth day too. d:

This whole Tyler/Lisa thing.


That makes sense. Thanx for clearing that up.

“Sorry Padre. We’re out of holy water.” :smiley:

This kid they are using as bait is so dead.

C’mon. Alex should have definitely wet his pants by now.

I told you he was gonna get dead.

Hey! Look it’s Kelly from BSG.

“We can’t win.”

You said it. I’m lizard food.

I laughed at the tyer/lisa love scene.

I believe the word they used was “incinerate”. :eek:

And then Joshua does something weird with his eyes. We’ve noticed that from Anna. Is something up with their eyes? Are they frakkin with us?

Actually, I think they’re basing the aliens in this series on the conspiracy theories of David Icke who, in turn, based those theories in part on the original miniseries. The lizard aliens are shape-shifters, and their eyes occasionally flash their real, reptilian appearance when they appear on TV.

She must be Chinese. :stuck_out_tongue:
