V 1x07 John May

If it was that easy, the ships would already be there.

Something else is needed, methinks.

This is silly. With the V tech, that room would be monitored 24/7

Probably, but the V med tech guy is trusted. Who watches the watchmen?

I was making a reference from that BSG episode. I thought you were referencing how Anders died.

I’m not even talking about the ships on the way. With the ones on the planet they could take over.

I wonder what they want. Obedience? Bliss conversion?

I was. I must be missing something. :confused:

That’s what I wondered.

Goodbye, Georgie. You putz.

“You should know the truth.”

I’m a lizard.

I have a theory.

Anna is pregnant with an army.
The “Live Aboard” program is very important to her.
The candidates for the “Live Aboard” program are “broken toys”.


I think they need human bodies to lay their eggs in. :eek:

The theme from the original BSG series played while Anders sent the ships into the sun.

Isn’t this a little over-the-top? The whole Erica and son thing.

Even with a naked Anna in that pool i dont think i would want to swim in it.

The kid’s adorable. His acting ability is irrelevant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or, maybe they’ll assume their identities after they mature.

Or, maybe they are just food…

We were wrong.

Jessica Parker Kennedy

Striking resemblance though.

Why get a guy like Anders and then only have him show up in flashbacks? That’s so annoying

Agreed. The kid’s annoying as hell. So who is his father supposed to be then? Erica just kept stating it wasn’t true, that the tests were wrong. But she never denied being with someone else, which I thought was weird.

Sounds plausible after reading your thot.

That could it be as well.
Or all three theories, first the humans to carry the reptilian eggs, then after their birth they immediately devour their carriers and at the end the skin of the humans was replicated and the soldiers can use it for their new identities.:eek:

Right, she was familiar from Smallville as Plastique.

If the kid won’t be dead at the end of this season I might stop watching the show. Somebody PLEASE relieve him from his idiocy!!!