V 1x04 It's Only the Beginning

Yes. Yes I am.


“Don’t worry. She doesn’t bite.”

She will crush you and swallow you whole.

Walking down the green screen corridor.

“Don’t worry. She doesn’t bite.”

Yep, she’ll swallow you whole. :eek:

Anna is a cougar. This is heading into bad porno plot arena.

Oh, Yuck they are not showing the skinning. gag

Good gracious Hivemind!

Good thing they don’t monitor the medical bay for some reason. :rolleyes:

Why doesn’t he just give this guy new skin and a new face? Can they tell the difference?

“Hey there, young human. You wanna examine my stardrive?” :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why I never get a flu shot.

Did I miss something? Why did they make a big deal out of one tube missing.

Yeah. You saw that one also?

The mummified corpse on the examination table

I’m fairly certain we’ll see the final result, though.

I don’t think the human face is the skin she’s talking about. :frowning:


Oh, for those who have not made the connection we will make it really clear. Got it.

Just went the kitchen for a drink and Coco the puppy is out cold flat on her back. Daughters must have worn her out.

[QUOTE=frakkintalos;241862]That’s why I never get a flu shot.[/QUOTE

Was this written before the H1n1 virus came out?

They exhausted a puppy? Impressive.

Erica in that hat is funny. “I’m in burglar mode.”