Using/converting .mpg files for iPod use?

Mac user. G5 iMac. New iPod, my first.

How can I convert .mpg into something my iPod can play?

Thanks, Hive Mind!

I’m a PC. and I use Super to convert almost anything to anything including Ipod video.

there is a mac version

the pc version is free… the mac version says it is shareware…

but I have never had an issue with the pc version. give it a shot and let us know.

There’s a bunch of converters out there. iSquint is the one I use for batches, but the developer isn’t upgrading (any of his projects.) You might be able to do a “Save” or “Export” in Quicktime (you definitely can in the Pro version, which is a twenty dollar upgrade.)

In any case, you want to convert to an .mp4, .mov, or .m4v format.

Anyone know whether iMovies do it?

It should, but it’s rather the long way about it. (iMovie converts to DV, then allows you to export.) iSquint or any of the other converters will be twice as fast.

Could you post a link for the PC version?

A PC friend sent me this, with an implies Simpsons/Nelson Muntz “haw-haw!”

Whoooomp, there it is. With all respect to Captain Christopher: You, sir, are truly THE Pike. Thank you much!

ps. I’m just doing 7-second clips from my digital camera, but it worked like magic. Fast & free. Highly recommended.

Format Factory is a great windows program for converting just about everything.