
The local Target has the first 20 episodes of the first Ultraman series on a two-DVD set for the low, low price of five American dollars. Score!

There’s a series, which you can get fansubbed, called Ultraman Nexus, from a few years back.

This one is my favorite of the Ultraman franchise, because they really tried to give it a dark, serious edge. It was meant to be a prime time show in Japan, but someone decided to put it on weekend mornings anyway, so it really didn’t reach its target audience, and thus wasn’t too successful.

But, if you can find it online fansubbed, check it out. It’s very engaging collection of about 37 episodes, if I counted right.


Plus, they play a great piece of music a lot of the times when Ultraman shows up.


Looks like fun. The GF was a fan of the old dubbed version back in the day.

You sound interested, Pike. I found a place to get all the episodes recently.


Give it a look sometime. :slight_smile:

Here’s an idea…what if they did an American version of Ultraman, with monsters designed by the Jim Henson Creature Shop? After seeing The Dark Crystal for the first time, I know they could pull it off. :smiley:

Backflipping muppets would be… interesting.

Ummm…Henson’s company’s done other stuff besides the muppets, you know… :smiley:

I don’t care! I want to see Cookie (or Veggie) Monster backflip!