Uhura vs. Pepper Potts

Today’s match:

Trek Reboot Vs. Marvel Movie 'Verse, Round II:

Uhura (reboot) vs. Pepper Potts (movies):

In the red corner, Nyota Uhura.

Human female. Starfleet Lieutenant. Communications officer par excellence. Not only adept at xenolinuistics, but is a quick study, as well. Former Academy aide for the advanced phonology and advanced acoustical engineering courses. Also former vice president of Starfleet Academy’s Chorale Ensemble. Fluent in Klingon and all three Romulan Dialects. Loyal. Unflappable. Cool. Collected. Sometimes inscrutable. Can keep a secret. With academy training in hand-to-hand combat, she can handle herself in a fight.

In the red-and-yellow corner, Pepper Potts.

Human female. CEO of Stark Industries. Worked her way up from secretarial pool. As Tony Stark’s executive assistant, she was one of the few people who could corral him at all – and she was the best at truly managing the brilliant rogue. Helped him develop the Stark Tower and Arc Reactor. Hacking skills. Amazing organizational skills. Leadership skills. Loyal. Dedicated. Unflappable. [Spoilers from Iron Man 3 deleted.]

Say it comes down to a mono-ta-mono (sic) fight, who wins?

Full disclosure: In the [Marvel-DC] Amalgam Universe, Potts is known as Pepper Ferris, but no relation.

In a straight-up fight, no tech involved, I take Uhura. If tech gets involved, I say Potts. But my final answer is Uhura.

Black Widow could take Uhura if no tech was involved. But if tech is a factor, Uhura would win.

That’s what I think, anyway.

Put me down on Uhura. #Giggity Boils down to that being in Starfleet she has had combat training of numerous types. Pepper is smart, but I don’t recall her even throwing a punch.

[spoiler]Extremis enhanced [/spoiler]Virginia “Pepper” Potts would own. And, Pepper is lucky … and luck goes a very long way.