Two-minute T4 trailer from Japan (but in English)


dxf, just tried this. Says video no longer available. How was it?

Frakin’ youtube. Way to make yourselves irrelevant.

Don’t blame youtube, blame FOX. I guess they don’t want to tell people how cool their new film is.

I love it when networks limit the ways people can see ADVERTISING. Because, God forebid we let the masses look at what we want them to buy. No, we ned to limit the audience who can look at this trailer! We’ll make more money that way, right? Sorry, it just pisses me off. .

I blame both. FOX is being stupid, no doubt, but youtube doesn’t even bother to say “Hey, think about this. You idiot.”

I thought it was aw’ight. Looks like more of a Big Action Movie than a Terminator Movie. At least it looks like it has its own look and vibe – as opposed to something like T3, which I thought was a weak rehash of the previous Terminator flicks.

For another posting of it, see if this jammy works:

so why does fox let out the video, and then not allow people to watch?

I couldnot have said it better emily!
Your just fine don’t worry!:cool: