TV Star Trek is on Netflix

I noticed this morning that most of the Star Trek television series have finally made it to Netflix.

Star Trek TOS, TNG, Voyager, and Enterprise are currently viewable.

Last I heard, Deep Space 9 is due out in October.


Now. What to do with all those DVDs?

Just watched A Mirror Darkly. Good quality for Netflix. We may want to do a Frak party around the Alt Universe in chrono order. Ent Mirror Dark, Tos Mirror Mirror, Then end with the DS9 episodes.

Let me take care of those for you.

Hopefully this will happen in Canada as well.

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But you have them on reel-to-reel for the projector positioned 20 feet from the clothes-line on your lawn. :smiley:

No, no…not on his lawn. Never on his lawn.

Now you know why keeping the lawn clear is so important…

Great news. I just started a re-watch of Enterprise -now I don’t have to wait for the mail everyday.

No you don’t and it looks great on the HDTV.

Now. What to do with all those DVDs?

Probably a lot of people are thinking that right now.
Checks eBay

All joking aside, be aware that shows/movies that go up on Netflix Instant Watch don’t always stay there forever.

Three years ago (I think )Star Trek TOS S1 for example was on IW for a while, and then removed.

So, don’t throw out those DVDs just yet.

So true, When TOS came back this week. It showed that I had watched the doomsday machine ep. I did do that years ago when they first had TOS on there.

This is the icon for Star Trek: The Original Series on NetFlix:

I wondered “New Episodes”? Frak teh Whut are they talking about? Then it hit me. These must be the remastered episodes. New? Really?

Well, that being said, these are indeed the remastered versions. They could have just put that. Let me fix that for ya.

Yeah I was all like “what?” too.

But, deep down for a fraction of a second, I thought… “what if?”

Also, WTF is up with all that unused space and they slap the banner over the ship!?

I guess my voice was heard…:rolleyes:


I just watched one (Spock’s Brain, S3E01) and it was lesser quality than the DVDs, though it had the updated CGI effects. It looked like I remembered it watching reruns on a rabbit-eared TV back in the mid 70s.

Though I think I prefer the DVDs’ clearer picture, I don’t really mind. It’s a bit more like Trek was supposed to be watched :slight_smile:

TOS, TNG, Voyager, Enterprise and DS9 are now available on Amazon Prime!

Hmm…How does Amazon Prime work with video? Is it free streaming if you’re an Amazon Prime member?