True Blood 4X11 Soul of Fire

Oh snap! Alcide just kicked her to ths curb, Alpha style. :smiley:

oh Jesus, Jesus

Lol! The future is looking pretty good :cool:

Oh. In that case, it’s up on HBO Go! Sweet.

That would be great. How’s Tuesday at 9?

I’m in :slight_smile:


nicely done Sookie

frak you Marnie!!

Sweet! I’m watching now on HBO Go, but I’m a good half-hour behind and the picture quality is a bit craaap. :eyebrow:

“I fuckin quit this group.”

Its about time


Hells yeah! Best ep of the season

Jason better thank Jessica proper-like


This is Jason Stackhouse. He’s gonna thank her real good. :wink:

Lafayette is just not catching a break…

Oh nooooooo! Nononononononononononononooooooooo!

Omigods the finale is gonna be CRAZY!

yeah…it doesnt look good for lafayette

Its not looking so good for Bill and Eric either. Dang it


Tuesday, 6 September 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific[/b]

“This is what PMS used to feel like.” :smiley: