True Blood 4x08 Spellbound

He’s not in right now. :eek:

Yeah, I hope Jesus gets to him

That was a good trick. :cool:

Does that one girl have a serving platter?

oh…sh*t :eek:

Uh oh, this isn’t good.

And I so called it - Alcide is so joining this fight.

Please tell me Tara’s gonna die.

ETA: Aw. :frowning:

Nope doesn’t look like it.

She used to be one of my favorites…she has just been annoying lately

Nothing like distracting not 1, but 2 vamps, and it is Alcide who rescues her, and pisses off his girlfriend.


Latin for slave. That’s not good. :eek:

Antonia better not hurt Eric…

Stupid cliff hangers… leading to another long week.

well…this cant be good

Not good at all (and I missed that reference too)

Maybe he can counter it with “ex-nay on the ervus-say” :smiley:

Well the preview looks interesting.

Not sure I will be home in time next week for the Frak (I am going to a friends house next weekend), but it was a blast tonight hanging with you guys.

If she’s doing what I think she’s doing, that powerful 1000-year-old vampire is about to become a very dangerous weapon. :eek:

ditto! Catch you later

Pig Latin sorcery! :eek:

Ditto that! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I’ll be working next week, so I won’t be around to watch it live. :frowning:

That is so not good, and going to piss a few folks off.

And I didn’t realize Eric was that old, is he older then Bill? I ran through the first few seasons so fast I missed a few things.

[li]Bill’s around 150 or so. He turned during the Civil War.
[/li][li]Pam is roughly 200.
[/li][li]Eric is 1000, which is why the tenth century Viking skull piqued my interest.
[/li][li]Godric was about 2000.
[/li][li]Russell Edgington was about 3000, the oldest we’ve seen so far.
Not sure about Nan. She’s older than Bill, I think, but not as old as Eric.