True Blood 4x06 I Wish I Was the Moon

While I don’t completely trust Jesus, I still love Lafayette, and this relationship.

Hehehe - “I barely know any regular humans anymore”

So true, so very true - at least in Bon Temps

Im a police office and a Were-Panther…so back off!


yeah…boobs make me feel happy and safe too :smiley:

“I have enough going on inside me, I don’t need you in there too”

I love this show

I am betting that maintaining a human form is a little more difficult then animal form?

So I thought it was going to he Jason falling for Jessica…now I think it is the other way around.

crap…Eric is honorable…

Bill, ya can;t do it man

Bill is so not going to go through with this.

think its mutual…

While I liked the old ruthless Eric, I kinda love the kind lovable Eric.

Could very well be.

“I went to my death knowing true love” - awww.

oh SH*T


Damn it is going to be a long week…

I can’t believe the left the Bill/Eric story there.

And Lafayette/Jesus???

And Sam is going to kill Tommy once he figures it out.

OK, I spoke too soon…

I knew Bill couldn’t go through with it.

kill him…bring him back…and kill him again

gonna be a long week

I am kinda liking the shirtless Eric in every episode :slight_smile:

Hmmm, and poor Bill, but then again I was never a huge Bill fan anyway, so I don’t have have too much sympathy.