True Blood 3x11 Fresh Blood

:smiley: :smiley: Eric’s ringtone!!

I really don’t need to see Tara anymore!!

Hoyt’s f-ing mother will do something bad and I hope she then gets offed!!

I knew that Exactly the opposite would happen during Bill and Sookie’s sweettalk. :smiley:

Niceeee! Even if it is a staged fight between Eric and Bill.

Assume that Eric hopes that he is younger and Russell will die more faster than him.

New that stuff since my dad sometimes drinks it in water. :smiley:

She said “in Tallin”. Which is the main city in Latvia…or another one of the Baltic states.

Ditto, although I liked that she accepted Andy’s apology.

Wow…that is a scary thot!!!

Reminded me of when Mr. Clean and friends attacked Homer in an episode.

Could be his alarm for Merlotte’s and/or his safe there which Tommy is breaking into.

Yep, that is Eric’s plan that Russel will bite…BE the dust earlier than him.

TTTTTTWWWWOOOOOOO WWWWEEEEEEEKKKKKKSSSS, get ready for a superise…:eek: They can’t kill off Eric, he’s the mofo sheriff!

Ah. That makes more sense. I was watching live, so I just heard it in passing.

Sure, no problem. We know that you Yankees have trouble with geography outside your country. :wink: j/k

Like you know all our state capitals…

There’s a difference between state and country. :smiley:
I used “state” in my previous post cause “Staat” translates to “country”, which I meant.

Yeah but some of our states are bigger than European countries/have bigger pop/higher gdp/etc.

It’s equivalent imo

EU States vs US States knowing Capitals wise

You’re right.

So why the HECK don’t we get the Finale this Sunday!!! :mad: