Transmetropolitan, Crossed, and Northlanders

These are three really good series:


Chronicles the life and times of outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem. Think Hunter S. Thompson, covering a seriously messed up, futuristic America. :cool: This is written by Warren Ellis; enough said. And pencilled by Darick Robertson.


Just what you need when you’re craving a little bit of the old ultra-violence. This series is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. It’s set in the aftermath of the Crossed Virus outbreak. And, yes, no one is coming to help. :eek: Brought to you by the diseased mind of Garth Ennis. And drawn by one of the Masters of Gore, Jacen Burrows.


The first arc of this series follows the adventures of Sven, an exiled Viking. Sven returns home to reclaim his birthright, and he meets a little resistance. Naturally, Sven proceeds to do what Vikings do best. He dispatches a lot of warriors to Valhalla. :smiley: Writer - Brian Wood. Penciller - Davide Gianfelice.

Also, I just finished reading a graphic novel, Locke & Key. This is written by Stephen King’s son, Joe Hill, and it’s really a first rate read. The art is done by Gabriel Rodriguez, and it’s some of the best stuff out there. I’ll definitely be following up on this one.

That’s a bit of an eclectic mix. I mean. I read them all expect for Transmetro(It’s on my list don’t say it’s awesome you should read it now I know