I’ve been looking for some new to me Sci/fi lately and i remembered this old show. i’d see a little of many years back, but stumbled upon it again and it even better than I remembered.
I will preface this with it rips off sci/fi classics bad and i mean bad, in where not even pretending here, not even a little were not ripping off Blade runner, were ripping it hard and were ripping it long.
but they do a decent job at it so its forgiven by me at least
There’s evil corporations, and detective stories, laser guns. and people in trench coats standing in the rain waxing poetic.
now i will say the acting is a little weak, here the the fact that they randomly insert nudity for no other plot related reason accept that it originally aired on showtime is slightly vexing
Its pretty damn good to bad it only lasted one season, but still any other fellow fans of the show round these parts