Tokyo Godfathers 3/11 10PM ET

Lol. That face scares more people…

Lol! That was awesome!!

“He slipped on the soap”


Lol. I’ve forgotten why I liked this.

Hands off the Pussies!!:mad::smiley:

Star wars and Aliens on VHS… nice touch!:slight_smile:

I missed that.




I had to pause. I’m 90 seconds behind.

The most random crap happens in the background…

Wow, that face…

They booking it aren’t they?

Touching, comical, action… its got it all.

Saw the lottery ticket?

I had forgoten about the lottery ticket…

Its been a couple of years since I had seen this last…

We should put frak this again in December. In between the LotR movies. ^^

That dudes apartment gave me the willies… so much trash and crap in it…eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Yeah, I’d forgotten the breast grabbing, three shots, and breast feeding.

I had called this movie “Miyazaki on crack.” d: