So where does a guy turn, when he has a dilemma involving travel, vampires, alcohol, matrimony, long-distance friends and acquaintances, the desert, money, zombies, and more alcohol? Well, simple, really…he turns to his extended GWC family for insight. Here goes:
A wonderfully bizarre friend in the Phoenix area is getting married in November to an equally odd fellow whom I also enjoy, and they are having a modest (in attendance) but garish (in behavior) ceremony. She’s a complete zombie aficionado, and he a vamp, and actually met on KoL, of all places, which speaks VOLUMES for their sense of taste, humor, bacon, and booze. (In no particular order.) They’re literally having a “wedding of the undead”, and should be one of the most wildly chaotic bouts of geek-debauchery to hit the southwest in quite a while (Californications not included). These people hang with Frontalot, if that tells you anything. Hip-square off the charts.
The downside? Cost. I’m not exactly sitting on the spoils of past victories, so to warrant the flight (which, admittedly, is pretty cheap as fares go coast to coast), and the ancillary costs (booze) that come along (booze) with weekend hangs with this crowd (stuffed Daleks and booze), I need some real pushing to hand over the credit card. I dig these folks, and I know I’ll have a good time, even stag, but…we are in a recession, and that money could go towards a lot of other things I like to waste my earnings on.
So I call upon thee, my Legion, for some discussion, pros and cons, offers to post bail, offers to come with (and I’d really be down with that idea), anything you can contribute. I don’t want to be the guy who promised he may sort-of-maybe-try-to-make-it, and then bail, without good reason, and by the same token, I don’t want to miss a good experience with supremely dork-cool people because I’m hung up on money, which I really HATE to even concern myself with.