TNG Blu-Ray Sampler

Wah-hoo, it’s in the mail, trying to save money I went for the free shipping, but should be in by next week.
Also picked up the GREATEST SUBMARINE MOVIE EVER! Das Boot! That would be another forum though.

Any one else getting the sampler, almost 3 1/2 hours of remastered TNG for $17, that’s a pretty good deal!

Let us know how it is as soon as you get it (like, call in sick for work to watch!). I’ve been curious to see what they’ve done since I first heard that they’re completely rebuilding it from the original film. I’m very excited for this bu-ray pack.

Just checked the tracking, it’s out for delivery, not bad for free shipping!!
Encounter at Farpoint… Tonight!!

It arrived 30 mins ago, watched the first 20 mins of Farpoint.
Looks good, sounds good, my only gripe would be in the Non effects shots, you occasionally see a white speckle, almost like a smaller pixilation, appear randomly. I would think this would be original film damage, on the Special Effects shots, you either don’t notice this, or it is not present.

Cute story, watching it with my 2 1/2 year old twins, comes to the show intro with all the STNG theme, Enterprise is zipping across the screen, each time it zips by the boy says “Cooooooool!”
He was also impressed when I showed him the intro to Star Wars: A new hope, Star Destroyer flys overhead, he turns to me and says, “OOOOOO Biiiiiiiig Ship”

Hopefully they won’t ask an arm and a leg for the series…
I think I will put it on my wish list, the Enterprise looks very sexy!!

Finished Inner Light last night, the up conversion looks A LOT cleaner than the Encounter At Farpoint.
Sound is pretty nice, I only have my system set up in 5.1, but the background ship noises seem to be more “there” if you know what I mean.
On an interesting note, in the intro when you get the camera flyover of the top of the Enterprise, you can actually see into the back of the Observation Lounge, with a crew member walking along the window.
I was impressed, pointed it out to my wife, she wasn’t…
ah well.
As usual, bawled my eyes out at the end…

I’m thoroughly impressed with the transfer. I’ve only seen the first two samples, and was quickly reminded why the show was so damn good. I’m putting off watching Inner Light though, because I’ll end up sobbing like a baby again. Ugh.

All I keep thinking is, that I cannot wait to see The Best of Both Worlds in all it’s digital glory!

I don’t own a Blu Ray player yet, so I got nothing to say about Blu Ray TNG (except that, I VCR tapped each and every episodes of TNG as they aired :slight_smile: ).

Das Boot. Loved that movie. Read the book and also saw the movie in both forms in the movie theater : Subtitled and dubbed.

I am guilty of that too. I would record them at SP, and then edit out the commercials when I transfered it to a master tape at LP. I even collected the Columbia House tape sets as well as Voyager. Seems kind of silly now but, a fan is a fan.

Ha ha ha, that brings back memories. Though living in Bermuda at the time, there was no cable, and NO TNG, or DS9. Back in those days our island had 2 (TWO) channels, unless you had a satellite dish, which we did at a later date.
So I remember watching the Paramount Feeds on the old T1 Satellite ( I want to say T1 18, but I think that was wrong) on Saturday afternoons to catch the show.
I also remember catching Babylon 5 but for the life of me can’t remember what feed that satellite or channel was on.
By the 1990’s some sort of basterdized cable was made available.
Just last year I walked into a donate store and saw the first two seasons of TNG on VHS sitting on top of shelf in the “Movie” section, crap, I remember seeing those things going for $20 a tape!! for TWO episodes!!!

Especially because the original commercials add so much to the flavor of the thing. I’d pay for TOS all over again to get those.

I remember a friend of mine ordering VHS tapes from a Community that were fans of the old 70’s Saturday morning shows. Now I could understand him buying the Sid and Marty Kroft stuff, after all we all grew up with that. But I thought he was nutz for purchasing a tape that was nothing but commercials… Until we sat and watched them for 3 hours reminiscing about all the cool toys we had as kids. “Oh I remember those!” Was one of the phrases that kept erupting… :smiley:

Such boyish nostalgia…